
Showing posts from December, 2014

The Sarkeesian Effect Update, GDC Balls-In-Purse Crowd & Happy New Year

Systema Korea, Amazing Work

Oftwominds-I Am Forever Blowing Bubbles...Pretty Bubbles In the Air

Left to the Woods...Scalise ain't a REAL racist says DAVID EFFING DUKE!

Oil Slump Hasn't Hit Tangential Markets & Fields

Truthy, the Social Network Snitch Patrol for Future American Stazi Crackdown!

The Violent, Matriarchal Failures in Life Called FEMEN & Double Standards

UNZ Review on Silicon Valley

Joe Nocera, Wants Unqualified People Working In Silicon Valley, Where's Jesse Jacks'em Dis' Be Racist!

Middle of the Road, That's Where You'll Find the Revolution!

Whites Are Magic Or Black America Is A Dysfunctional Population?

Don't Let the Poor Burn Underwater Without Tasting Al Gore Bacon!

Dyed Armpit Hair, Won't Work Ladies, You're Hurt & Unwantable

Portland Cocksuckers Pull a Critical MassHole Move!

Chapin reads on Cultural Marxism-Youtube

A Brilliant Analysis of The Leftist and Progressive Ideologies at The Root of Nazism

The Reality of Long Term Relationships for Men: Beta + Eternity=Happy?!

Rosicrucian Alchemy-German Mystical Christianity

LR-Alchemy and Transformation

Christmas and it's Entirely Christian Origins


Templars, the Grail and Percival-Timothy Hogan of Circe

Megaphonics-The New Counter Culture!

The Smoking Gun-IRS Targets Conservatives!

Social Justice vs. Science on Race and Intelligence

Progressives-The New Barbarism

Russia Today dons the White Mantle and Chapeau, Save Da' Hoez!

Fascinating TedX talk on Perception and Motivation

Who is Al Sharpton and Why is He a "Black" Leader?!

Icky Conservatives and I.R.S. Action In Secret Against Ickiness

The IRS Loses Six Hundred Million in Funding!

Pardon that last link, Bearded BEAST on Fullbody training, RECOMMENDES!

Alternative to German Volume Training, interesting Bearded Bear of Duloc!

RamzPaul on Police Double Assassination

Oak Island , Jura alignment

Ismail Brinsley-5% Nation & Black Nationalist Islamism at Work for Social Change

The Lack of Scientific Methodology in Gender Feminism & Similarities to Creationism

Yesod and Foundational Sexual Fidelity in the Mind of a MGTOW!

U.S. Funding Ukraine's Ethnic Cleansing

Saving Female Virtue

Rape Hoax Profiteering!

Millenials Exemplify Useless Thinking

The Ukranian Conflict of Interest & Russia's Adaptation to U.S. Sanction Machinations!

According To Me Podcast piece, funny. critique of Nicholas Wade

The Stronghold! MGTOW,red pill podcast, say no to commies!

Gender Theory Pseudoscience...more to come.

Note to myself.

We are the People Says Deutschlanders

Test soundcloud show, audio terrible.

Milo Y.-Men , Giving Up and Checking Out!

Monsanto Takes a Hit

Men's Rights, What You Got a Problem, Traitor?!

The Viral NFL Player Statement on Ferguson