
Showing posts from February, 2015

$196 Million That's What The Internet Costs-Here's Your Money Hoes!

A Magnificent Summary of Black History Month, Race Realist Style!

Hegemonic Ideology & Grand Margins-Colin Lidell via Alternative Right

A Mangina Psychoanalyzes:How To Punish Young Men For 50 Shades' Gorgons' Delight!

Race and Crime by Libertarian Realist

Short, Abridged Summary of Black Mob Violence in 2015, It's February!

Interview with Martin Newburn-Observations of Black Criminality and Anti White Racist Cultural Norms

Fraud and the Business of Holocaust Memoriam

What ISIS Really Wants-The Army of Armageddon

The Evidence Ukraine is an American Junta

The Best Essay by an American in Russia About Russia Being Unapologetically Alpha!

The Strange Call Down of the National Guard in Ferguson, Missouri

Systema Ground Tactics

John Loftus on the Vatican & Swiss Banks During the Third Reich

A Letter From the Gulf, the Sword, the Silence & Bakshish, the Elite & the Umma

What Do You See In Your Looking Glass, Fair Princess?!

Is There Moderation Possible to a Devout Muslim?

The Uses and Abuses of Arab Nationalism-AltRight

Zionism & Self Determination

Neoplatonic Theology...just watch!

Kiev Collapse Chronicles pt. 2

Pinch Grip Hogs!

The Total Destruction of Black America;Dindu Nuffin!

Watch Geology in Action, Fracking Well Plumes in Georgia

The Cheap Grace of Barack Obama!

St.Simeon God Receiver by Ann Barnhardt

What is Daredevil Up Against?!

How Government Ruined Healthcare

Why Bill Cosby Should Go On the Offensive at Don't Give a Damn Speed!

Bachelor Advice "My Friends Aren't Bachelors Anymore..."

How and Who is Indicted for Malign by Feminism

Why Black People Didn't Build America

#Equality via Youtube

St.Louis & Jesus

Jesus Hustlers Excuse Ferguson Blacks For Failing

What the Syrian War is About, the Saudi Oil Move & European Energy

Marie Hauf on Islamic Insurgency in Saudi Arabia