
Showing posts from March, 2015

Are Black People More Racist Than White People?

How Homosexuality Has Shown Psychology To Be An Unscientific Girls' Club!

Women Have Little Going For Them, Especially Liberals & Feminists

Ferguson After The Cameras Leave

Black American Violence This Week via Youtube

Transcript of Historic Vladimir Putin Speech About War If Obama Is Crazed Enough To Do It

Interview With White American Woman Stomped By A Black Mob;Typical Interracial Violence In America

Video Footage of Typical Black Mob Violence in St. Louis, Delmar Loop.

Famous Reed College Student Tells Men To Not Apply To College,It's Unhealthy.

Stupid Socialists-UKIP Didn't Say That!

Zurkaneh long video

Deep Red Pill-The Pink Swastika Interview w/co-author.

NEXRAD Tornado Formation; Another in a Series

An Analysis of the M.G.T.O.W. Movement, It's History & Future for Men & Women

The Sabbateans & The Frankist Cults

Why Being Conservative About Social Change Means You're Probably Just Moral

The Masons and the Moors-From Rumi,Yes,Rumi to Five Percent Nation Rappers!

Occult Origins of Santa...also see "Baba Moroz"

Hillary Clinton and Her Email Explanations Examined

Lincolnshire BikeGate!

Art & Marxism- Destroyer of Worlds

Morsi’s wife threatens to publish letters from Hillary Clinton, exposing “special relationship” between Muslim Brotherhood and Obama Administration

If Gays Want "Equality" They Must Reject Their Pedophile Activist Allies!

Gatekeeping & Goaltending in Meteorology & What is Weather Modification?