
Showing posts from December, 2016

Russian Malware on Employee Computer at Burlington Electric: WAPO Sensat...

2016 In Review: And Predictions for 2017


The Naqshbandi-Khalidi Order and Political Islam in Turkey - by Svante E. Cornell M. K. Kaya

Obama's Insane Russia Meltdown: The REAL Reason, In 5 Minutes

What Advantage Then Has the Gentile? Rabbi Tovia Singer Explores the Puz...

News From Trump Tower by Tom Fitton, Oh I am freaking out MAN! #WinningS...

Hypocrisy at UN climate conference in Marrakech

Richard Spencer - The purpose and meaning of the alt-right movement

How celebrities crippled the Democratic party

Knife Fights - BE AWARE OF LIES

Student attacks teacher, caught on video. Teacher fights student - compi...

Fighting, Fighting Back & More Black Violence

Fuck the Baby Boomers

14 malls close due to ratchet mobs

The Trump Paradigm Shift--Huge!

Want Girls Attracted to Tech? Put an "A" for "Art" in STEM - IEEE Spectrum

Men are Better than Women, Deal with it!

Request-Replacing College Degrees with Company Training

79 - Did Jesus Exist? Is the New Testament Reliable? ANY Way?

Chicago Christmas Weekend Proves To Be Another Deadly Holiday For The Pe...


Boughs Of Folly Black Violence At Christmas

Multiculturalism & Our Fractured Society

Комплексная Самообороны: Прикладной рукопашный и ножевой бой".

Whites Should Fear Blacks Like Young Pharaoh Allah & Other Black Savages!

Charles C Johnson | ������ Stefan Molyneux Christmas Spectacular ������

SHOCK: Left Sides Against US In Nuclear War With China

Scott Adams | ������ Stefan Molyneux Christmas Spectacular ������

The Twofold Possible Meaning of Trump's UN Jab

Judaism and Christianity on Satan: Rabbi Tovia Singer explains why we Di...

The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 230 - Trump Derangement Syndrome Reaches Epidem...

How France Has Changed One Year After The Paris Terrorist Attack: VICE N...

"When We Rise" a dumb leftist dystopian fantasy

An Alt Right Christmas!

Blacks Moved In Next Door (I Need A Beer)

Race Leader Of A Shadow Gov't

Zarna Joshi is a Hugh Mungus C*nt!

Sam Hyde of "World Peace": Show cancelled over "alt right" lies

Case Closed! Trump Was Right. Obama's Birth Certificate A Fake

A Reading About the History of White (European) Muslims-The Janissaries.

What IS Mubz? pt1


The Clarey Test on Jack Dorsey

Radical Plan to Disrupt Inaguration Exposed

Democrats Shun and Unfriend

Baby It's Trolled Outside-Some Thoughts On 'Red Pilled' View vs. The Lib...

Greater Americana Broadcast-12-20-16-Spinning Records Pt.2

Tuesday December 20th -Greater Americana Broadcast-Spinning Records Pt.1

Progressive Harassment Backfires and Clinton Loses 5 Electors

Prelude to War? Ambassador Assassinated Monday; Terrorist Strikes Germany!

Europe, Your Children Will Remember All of This Business & Will Have Ven...

Men Should Probably Just Stop Talking, TBH-Alana Hope Levinson

Bavaria passes new culture law; ANGELA MERKEL HATES IT!!!

Apologists for Islam, LGBTQ, Allies All of This Business, You're Bores!

Either Blacks Are Violent Or Stats Are Racist! You Decide!

Why Liberals Reject Freedom

Venezuela's Maduro Loses His Mind Again, Lies About Hyperinflation

This Week in Stupid (18/12/2016)

Hillary Folds, Obama Scolds | Trump Triumphs | Fake News Flourishes | Me...

مسيرة "شيخ الكرامة" تخليداً لذكرى الشيخ عبدالأمير الجمري في بلدة عالي 18...

Seven Deadly Sins : The Causes Of All Evil

I got this from people much tougher than me, knife drilling, just play w...

A Series of Specific "Thank You"s To A Variety of Channels That I Like-G...

Hillary Clinton Goes Insane, Claims Putin Cost Her the Election

India's Shaolin Gurukul & Its Kung Fu Master | Unique Stories from India

Everything Else's Failed: MSM Now Suggest That Putin Was "Personally Inv...

Black People Need To Stop Defending Criminals and Black Animals Brother ...

#102 HOLLYWOOD TRUMP TANTRUMS! Alex Jones, Sally Kohn and Cassie Jaye | ...

Thoughts On Dumbasses That Think White Supremacy and Privilege Are A Thing.

Oh my! Well, thank you for watching, I will try to keep it rolling.

Sjw Transgender Agenda & Rise in Transgender Kids

EHang 184 MegaDrone - Worlds First Self Driving Taxi Car

Wikileaks Bombshell: Obama Sent Plane Of FBI Agents To Frame Julian Assange (Video) - The Last Great Stand

Another one?? Fake hate crime in Lexington with New Black Panther Party

The Biggest Enemy Of The Jewish Nation - Parashat Vayishlach


Are Black Women REALLY the Most Educated Group in America?

Update: Dallas Police Department Since Shooting


Trump, Goldman, and Syria

‘Mad as hell’: State of Georgia accuses DHS of hacking into their system — RT America


Tucker Carlson exposes another clown. This time from the Washington Post

CIA Splinter Group Calls For Overthrow Of Trump Election

Solo training with the "Speed Striker"

Ukraine: Thousands of Azov nationalists hold torch-lit march in Kharkov

Handgun Etiquette for Beginners

WIKILEAKS FBI NEWS: Trump’s FBI Probe Contradicts CIA. No Link Between A...

Free Speech Under Attack: Deep State Promotes Fake News and False Flag P...

This Week in Stupid (11/12/2016)

Liberals Can't Think Straight About Russia

Tucker Carlson DESTROYS Vox's Timothy Lee on Fake News Censorship

Hey Styxhexenhammer666 and fans,"Fake News" Why and What is the CIA up to?

YHVH Adonai Chant

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Top 10 Trends for 2017!"

Feminist Hair Dye As Man Repellent

Make RPGs Great Again: A Rant

BOOM!GIABO! Deutsche Bank Provides Proof of Massive Silver Market Rigging

Theosophy or Jesuitism - by H.P. Blavatsky (1888)

Sargon of Akkad on Trump, Immigration, and the Alt Right (Part 3)

Data & Picard | Pogo "Better To Have Loved (edit)"

Do Women Ever Change? Dating for Men at 50 - Lessons for Younger Men & ...

Windmills, Environmentalist Economics and Communist Bullshit!

United States of Ignoramuses: Fake News, Fake History, Fake Science

Incest Embraced by Liberals as "Sexual Diversity" - "Nothing Wrong With ...

#PIZZAGATE CometPingPong Facebook Page FOUND ON

DEBUNKED: Why 'Hate Speech' Doesn't Exist!

Trump's Boeing Tweet And The New Right | Mike Cernovich Periscope

Hey Tommy Sotomayor, Here's The Financial Reason Black Violence Is Cover...

SJW Fears POOSEE Grabbers

Gavin McInnes: Once You Open This Pandora's Box There Is NO Coming Back!

SJWS OWNED #22 Milo In Miami University

Washington Post Hands Men A Get Out Of Jail Free Card by Stephanie Land

U.S. Spends Another $10 Mil to Register New Immigrant Voters - September 2016 Judicial Watch

Hamas to kids: Shoot all the Jews

Alexander Markovics - The Austrian Oligarchy won, but this is not the end

Bright Lights, Shitty City

#PizzaGate Goes Global; UK Police Sweep Of Football Clubs

Browning BLR Lightweight: Lever Gun for Down Under

'Date me you bigot' - lesbian man takes a stand!

Tomi Lahren Visits The Cathedral and Faces High Jester Noah Trevor

New Russian VKS (Sniper) & ASh-12 (Assault) 12.7mm Bullpup Rifles

Retarded EU Official's Daughter Raped and Slaughtered by Islamic Migrant

Matt Forney LIVECAST

Roving bands of Negro youth terrorize Washington, New York and Philadelphia

Emily Youcis Fired After NPI Publicity

MGTOW: The Economics of Hypergamy (Response to Black Pigeon Speaks)

Global Warming Debunked | William Happer and Stefan Molyneux

Knockout Game strikes white musician in St Louis -- Evan Osnos still ...

When Leftists Attack (Getting Harrassed in the Clubhouse)

Women, Media and the Occult - MGTOW

Village of idiots planted in Chicago: 700 dead year to date

More Truth About World War III

The Young Turks Are Falling Apart

Mother & Sister Died - Tigero Asks 4 Your Help

Pelosi Remains In Command of House Minority

MGTOW and the CANCER of Porn on Society