
Showing posts from March, 2017

A Cyber-Gulf of Tonkin by --

Why Modern Art is Absolute Crap

Detroit rape kit problem continued for years after initial discovery |

Cllintons, Podestas And McCain Are All Russian Agents

4 Niggly Bears Charged In The GangR&pe Of A 16 Year Old Girl Then Postin...

The Russian Military in Ukraine and Syria: Lessons for the United States

Nerds vs. Dorks....some thoughts in rant out Nerds, there...

"Something Stinks Here" - CrowdStrike Revises, Retracts Parts Of Explosive Russian Hacking Report | Zero Hedge

60 Minutes Attempt To Smear Mike Cernovich & Independant News Backfires

60 Minutes Attempt To Smear Mike Cernovich & Independant News Backfires

I'm Tired of Celebrities Defending Islam!

A Nazi in the White House? #GorkaMustGo, Why the Media Hates Gorka

The Real N!ggers of Politics-John Brown Gun Club, By Any Means Necessary...

MMA High Percentage Unorthodox Double Leg Takedown Tutorial

Nice Guys Don't Want You Anymore | Live From The Lair

The young turks have a fuck white women moment

URGENT: I'm probably fired and I have the biggest story in the world rig...

A Reading_Thomas Sowell-The Welfare State Vision-Wealth,Poverty & Politics

Count Philippe Piccapietra - The holy mission of the order of Saint Lazarus

News: Traditionalists are Gynocentric Hypocrites-Christianity Fails Men,Yes Take It And Deal With It!

Greater Americana Broadcast-DJ Session March 24,2017-Dedicated to London...

RyanCare Failure Means Trump Wins BIGLY - What Fake News Won't Report | ...

New Audio experiment-Feel The Ambition of Smooth Soul Music! Shadilay!

Thank You EO....something....I just had to think about adapters-DJ Testi...

Biggest EA shill on youtube

Kids Should 'Stay Home' Due to Pedophilia Issue, Says Washington Police

D.C. Pedophile Epidemic - Police Warn Kids To 'Stay Home' - Your News Wire


Why Do Liberal Journalists Hate Jews? Mike Chernovich Periscope

HWNDU Flag: Liverpool - It Begins Again

Five Guys Adds a Hot Dog to the Menu, Zoe Quinn Now "Agender"

10 Things You Should Never Say to a Woman

Why the New Right is Growing Online while the Old Left Withers


News: Face Your Accuser

Request - Why Girls Don't Respond on Tinder

BREAKING! Islamic radical training camps are literally in your backyard

[Talk Gnosis] Christian Magic Teenage Years

Spearhead-Positive [video] (1994)

Thomas Sowell: Show Me the Evidence

Saudi Prince Praises President Trump & Travel Ban. Puts Democrats In An ...

HBD and White Privilege Confidence Artists-It's A Bred For Trait, To Be ...

The Resurrection of Logos

Reading Eugene Weekly's Analysis of Why Leftist Journalists Are Starving

White on black violence explodes in 3 schools -- WHY? TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP?

More Maddow Fallout: MSNBC Is A Network Of Tax Cheaters

The Liberals Will Have To Learn-Get Used To White Nationalism

Responding to Anti-MGTOW Videos: Make Gynocentrism Great Again

Fourth Political Theory-A Reading-Dasein as an Actor-"racism" according ...

Texas Joins States Calling for Constitutional Convention

Asian dude puts his hands on a black woman in Charlotte --Calamity!

Mike Cernovich The Muslim Invasion & Rape Of Sweden

Populism and Nativism Have Already Won This Generation: You'll See What ...

Nationalism will win because there is no ideological competitor with pol...

DEEP STATE & the Subversion of President Trump #Vault7

Ben Carson vs. Don Lemonhead, the Nagger Xs, #BLM & Hoteps-#Slave as #Im...

Hawaii Attorney General: Travel Ban is 'Racist'


An Open Letter From Tactical Rabbit to President Donald J. Trump On Secu...

FBI Insider Resurfaces; Offers Chilling Update on US Government Purge

Year Zero: The First #Vault7 Leak

VAULT 7: CIA Staged Fake Russian Hacking to Set Up Trump — Russian Cyber...

More from Thomas Sowell-"Solutions" from Wealth, Poverty and Politics

Two more white kids dead in Detroit --Three black people holding the gu...

A Reading-Thomas Sowell-"Social Justic" from Wealth,Poverty and Politics

Antifa: What Social Justice Warriors Always Wanted

Reasons To Vote For Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide

Thoughts After A Tea-What is The Trump Movement?Heredity is One of Many ...

Former AG Loretta Lynch Calls For Political Violence? | True News

#Democrats #Seditionists #Socialists #LiberalTerrorists & #Secessionists...

Obama’s Slush Fund + George Soros set to DESTROY TRUMP

Did President Obama Spy On Donald Trump? | True News

The Hate From The Left Must Stop | Mike Cernovich Periscope

Democrats Russia Hysteria Against Trump May Be Backfiring. Obama Admin M...

My Interview with a Former NSA Operative on Events Happening Today - PAR...

Letter From The NIC Chairman

The Year of the Robot Maybe? Thoughts about robots, AI & armor cloth tai...

The Manosphere has won the internet via dank lolz but what's next....lad...

We're Going to IMPEACH Trump!

Liberals, what are you free to do ? What are you free from? Progress, to...

Last Night in Sweden!!

Thomas Sowell | Education

Democrats Stoop To New Low During President Trumps Speech

Jerome Corsi: Obama Robbed Private Investors To Fund Obamacare

What You Need to Know About Khazarian Mafia, and Their All-Powerful Cart...

Two things,sorry Joel Pollock,brilliant trolling fooled me & WEEEED! TRR...