
Showing posts from October, 2017

Happy Halloween! | The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 407

NYTimes Demands You "Check Your Male Privilege”! | Louder With Crowder

Trump former campaign manager don surrender to FBI over Russia matter - BBC News Pidgin

News: The Road to Matriarchy (TFM 42O)

Greater Americana Sound System! Part two of 10-30-17

A Silent Epidemic of Cancer Is Spreading Among Men - NBC News

The Death of Vancouver Nightlife

Greater Americana Sound System! Spinning Records October 29 2017

Uranium Standard Acquires Aurora Uranium Deposit


Early Morning Post....Coffee With Donovan....

@USNJack Has Great Information On Mueller's Protection Of Hillary Clinto...

Gerald Celente About Gold, China, Driverless Cars And Other Trends

The Bo-Keys - "Learned My Lesson In Love" (OFFICIAL)

Remember those floating nuclear reactors that Russia is supposed to be b...

He Will Not Divide Us Season 7: France and the Drone

Thoughts on Single Payer Healthcare & The Boomers-"Fuck You, Pay Me!"

The Collapse of Germany: Angela Merkel's Failure

National Party of Europe - Wikipedia-HIstory of Nazi and Fascist European political figures

Kurt Pfeiffer - Wikipedia

Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld - Wikipedia-On the Nazi and Fascist Historical Figures attached to the creation of the EU

Diana Mitford - Wikipedia-Nazi and Fascist Historical figures that forged the EU

Alcide De Gasperi - Wikipedia

Hans Globke - Wikipedia

The NAZIS and FASCISTS who founded the THE EU and their influence today ...

The Fall of FLAKE: A Rant

Rules for Rationalists: Out-Alinsky the Snowflake Monopoly

"White Supreeeemithts" & "Faaaascists" "Frumious Bandersnatches" "Jub Ju...

Riley Dennis Advocates for Illegal Violence. Please don't.

LAWerewolf Inspired Me, Yes, Pride, Remember the Lesson of Robert The Br...

Right Wing Infighting due to Pride will Kill us All

BOMBSHELL: Video Shows 17 Ambulances Pulling Bodies Out Of Hooters

How is This a Thing? 23rd of October 2017


How Can Antifeminism and Anti-Social Justice Be A Thing, Right?!

America's Obesity Epidemic: What They Don't Tell You!

By Request, A Bit About "Sealing The Senses" , Chi Gong & Ancient Kenpo ...

Blade Runner: Anime Trailer, Final Cut

#Liberals #Progressives #Democrats Help Save The World,Learn About "Char...

Gradations And Hues | Towards A Black Pill State Of Mind

Boss Nigger Theme Song Extended

Boss Nigger trailer

Tom Fitton on Clinton/Russia Scandal, FBI Coverup of Clinton/Lynch Meeti...

This Is Ranty...."Spiritual Warfare" & How #MGTOW Is Important To Certai...

Stuff I Like, Chinese Medicine, Chi Gong and Taoist Reference Collection

More Stuff I Like, Found Art Edition.

Positive Energy! Stuff I Like, Books About The Freemasons and Rosicrucians!

More Thoughts for #Progressives #Liberals #Democrats vs. New Traditional...

"Why Are American Kids So SOFT??" Egyptian Student Asks Ben Shapiro to E...

Typical Rant About Liberals Inspired by @RawStory "investigation" Into #...

American Pravda, NYT Part IV: New York Times Company Culture Revealed: "...

#SeanHannity Destroyed #HillaryClinton and Laid the Groundwork for a Mul...

Isaac Hayes - Hung Up On My Baby

Another Black Website Hates Black Men: “99% Of Black Men Are Sexist And ...

MGTOW: Capitalism & Compassion

The Five Points of Calvinism, TULIP

Civil unrest/ nov. 4th

Harvey Weinstein, Eminem, and why the left can't stop losing

Never Date A Girl Over 25

#Liberals #Progressives #Feminists & Planned Parenthood, Some Thoughts A...

Northern Soul Girl dancing 29 - Brothers By Choice - Last Love

Scott Adams Talks About The Anti-Trump Capitulation Phase We Just Entered

Drank soda so I am sperging out over Trump's FCC comment and the death o...

Uncovering The Ongoing Hollywood Conspiracy

News: Iran, I Ran So Far Away (TFM 42O)

Hey #Feminists, Seriously, Who Is The "New Woman" Post Weiner & Weinstein?

Thomas Jefferson's Letter To Bishop James Madison On The Illuminati & Ad...

WEINSTEIN HYPOCRISY: How Hollywood Assisted Harvey Weinstein | Louder Wi...

Enough of That, More of This-A Rant About That Which I Like & Love....

From #MGTOW to #Feminist Journalism With No Love, We Are Laughing!

Middle school teacher, 36, just won't stop hooking up with 14-year-old boy, cops say | Fox News

California Fires & Weed, Ass Fever....Hey Jelo Biafra, You're Going To R...

The #Mythcon Fallout - YouTube

One Dimensionality: How the Old Media Attacks the New (Part One)

Poland Mass Prayer On The Border Commemorating The Battle of Lepanto

Reading a Breitbart piece on Hugh Hefner and then sex robots!

News: Please Exit the Ride Now (TFM 42O)

#UnderCoverANTIFA: RAW FOOTAGE | Louder With Crowder

Jackie Mittoo Angry Puppy aka 30 60 90 - Randy's Blank


Judicial Watch: Documents Show HHS Used IRS to Push Obamacare, Use of Confidential Taxpayer Information Raises Legal Questions - Judicial Watch

Border Patrol Fails to Secure Containers with Seized Drugs, Weapons, Explosives - Judicial Watch

Antisemitism & Patriarchy Theory

Right Wing Watch! Intimidating Women And Polite Men Is Not Very Impressi...

WHAAAAAT! The Knockout Game IS BACK! OH! MAH! GAWD! #concealedcarry NOW!

Women don't assimilate - MGTOW

Washington Times, Steve Dinan, IRS Investigation Findings On Illegal Tar...

Zerohedge, Charles Hugh Smith, Inflation is most likely 7% and wages are...

Invisible Men - The Red Pill Interviews University Girls

✅ 10/4 @8:30PM The LVPD and FBI Hold a Strange Press Conference Tonight ...

Scott Bolden of Nat'l Bar Assoc. vs. Tucker Inspiration on #TakeAKnee!

The Reading! Pregnant Vegetarians May Risk Their Childrens' Development....

/pol/ Will Be the END of 4chan

News: Breaking the Conditioning (TFM 42O)

Thoughts On Coffee-Las Vegas & The Evil Intention-When Will The Liberal ...

The Dark Side of Russia (Part 1) - THE RIGHT

Fuhrer Merkel, Bonny King Felipe VI & The Supine Europeans of the 4th Re...

TFM Show: The Fall of Captain Save-A-Ho (with Keymaster)

Civil Guard (Spain) - Wikipedia

Espionage: FBI: Huma Abedin Tried To Hide 650,000 Emails Proving Hill...

Our Dreams Came True!! New initiative Rocks World called ‘STOP OPERATIO...