Cat's back, monkeyin' with a bird's wing!

This blog is concerning some observations about the swing as demonstrated in the Russian Kettlebell Challenge by Pavel Tsatsouline, The Encyclopedia of Kettlebell Lifting by Steve Cotter and featuring Valery Fedorenko and a previously link I posted to Coach Scott Sonnon's advice on kettlebells from his Youtube channel.

The cat back....

I have two cat's that my housemate has owned for some time. Since I have returned over the past year and a half to the iron game I have taken great guidance from these felines. Today I played with Sonnon's swing grip and body form and then played with Pavel's hardstyle and Fedorenko's soft style. What I borrow and from whom is just based on the type of jing I am attempting to generate to manipulate the bell. Soft style has a powerful and short, subtle jing that requires a lot of abdominal and hip command that I have found can bounce a lumbar vertebrae if not properly executed. It's fast and the power is deep in the hip, thigh, and lower torso. I like it with the 12k to get a certain breathing going, I might experiment with super high rep sets as it gets colder in the shed. Got to keep the spine moving, like the cats.

The Bird's wing and the Monkey pull....

The bird's wing and monkey pull makes me think of how a high pull is initiated from Sonnon's swing rather naturally. The bird's wing is the round feeling in the arm...very tai reminds me of a bird spreading their feathers in dance. This puts a certain elastic strength along the outer part of my arm. With the thumb and index aimed toward the opposite heel this swing is interesting...get it high and pull the bell it is beside your face and the elbow can travel out high but the bell is weightless by this time. It makes me think of a monkey snatching something in toward it's face. I do employ an eye follow the bell approach but I keep the head even and up and really make the hip, buttocks, and thighs command the flow of the bell.

Finding that precious groove...

In watching the variety of body types do swings and what purposes these various people are aiming for I have come up with my groove. It won't be long until I have to find a local coach or something, form a pod of lifters so I can get insights on form.

My dream is to create a local institution along the lines of crossfit, fe, gym jones or punch...functional, tough and spartan for other physical culturists to get down and challenge themselves. Forming this into a non-profit club of some sort is the laborious part, finding the people is coming soon.
