The start of the Fall regime

Flowfit, chins and clubs....

     I have slowly accumulated enough of Coach Sonnon's material and other CST educational media that I have become more than just a curious onlooker I am becoming a student.  This definitely includes Pavel Tsatsouline and the ladies and gentlemen of Dragondoor fame...I don't have any crappy exercise material.  I have been very lucky to have been exposed to the information that I was when I entered my adult years.  From spindly and awkward I am sussed out to be a dancer by query of customers...'sort of, a physical culture enthusiast', I reply.  Dancing is important and people should always take time to learn some steps in a class or copy something you see as best you can.  It is very harmonizing to the energy and good for the shen because it makes one happy and rhythmically vigorous with others.

     So, I am going slowly through a higher and higher rep and set progression with the flowfit training for the next 28 days with chins, kettlebell swings and ring training thrown in....oh, and definetly swinging the clubs but far more conservatively.  The 4x7 workout structure he set up is nice.  It seems at first far too easy in the theory stage but then I watched some of the footage and got the idea.  This will be fun.  ETK has yet to arrive.  That is going to wait for implementation until the Winter anyhow.  I get plenty of time to read and take notes and dog-ear.  Kettlebell swings are going to become the heavy day work I'll use both the 24k and the 32k so I get a jump on being comfortable for the Winter work.  I am going to get to the point that I can snatch the shit out of the 32k!  Being I only weigh 147 or so it's a good power to weight ratio.

Time for bed.
