Working for 'rank'? No, I am workin' fur'a yard....seen?


     This is a big, big number....100 dollars American is and has always been the measure of a different sort of money issue.  The number is a big deal, when the beautiful 10 meets itself 10 times, fives and twos can play safely in it's umbrage but not 3 or 7 and all their varied offspring...even six must compromise.  At 152 pounds ,naked as a lie, 100-50lbs. jerks could make me the equivalent of a brown or blue belt in practicing with a kettlebell.  Some time ago, when I had a rank of sorts, when I worked for certifications and everyone had money to spend I put an import on the paper and the theory oft-times more than standing in the heat and cold with hands tremulous from swings.  Now, I am one of the freaks....those muscle bound guys hanging out in a shed with a bunch of iron balls and books....blogging, of all thing about hefting iron....if it wasn't for being in rather resplendent health, keen eyed and even keeled I would probably look upon an exemplar of my daily activities askance.  It would take a few moments to find the common point of joy....'hey that kid has a cool toy'...but...rather than noises and lights....we play with heavy, ungainly, ugly toys.  Why own Snake Eyes, when you can train to assume such an avatar of mysterious human potential.

    Anyway, back to 100....that total, that's 'do-able', that's not out of my grasp in any way.  The splits and 100-24k jerks....but then my mind ventures....what do I need to be able to do?

    Do I need 100 jerks?  Art of Strength has an interesting testing system with the kettlebell that I like and I applied it and some of Scott Sonnon's view of 'usability' when he states it.  Most of what I am made of is leg, I am built like a spider or lemur...lots of appendage going on.  For this reason to have a wide variety of leg power and force needs that are extremely important.  Variant squats are the rice in my bowl, everything else is a topping.  Atleast, that is so with the weight training.  This is what I am thinking....this is truly me just typing with some thoughts on training.  ETK is on the way...that should be quite the education.  I have been reading about Pavel Tsatsouline's new book but soon it will be here and like all the other freaks I will post my numbers....or maybe not.

    Put up a Craigslist ad on if I have that right....about a Kettlebell/Girevoy meet up.  I want to start drawing people out and get a physical culture club going.  Invest while things are rough, give people something to be a part of, that's what I am thinking, plus I need the motivation, the insight, my horoscope said so and I am bored with my training and want a challenge...a group will do this, hopefully.

Well I am going to once over this bad-boy and check some other blogs and such night, night!
