Shark Fu nailed this in discussing Tea Bag Party behavior as of late...

     I highly recommend 'Angry Black Bitch' blog, she's brilliant and for example she abso-tively, posi-lutely nailed something I always thought was different than 'equality' and that is 'tolerance'.  I have to 'tolerate' all sorts of bullshit in this country and ethnicity is not bullshit, so therefore it is not something to be 'tolerated'....learn to fucking love it until you kill us all bigots!  Now, Mit Romney believing that the fundamental Truth was revealed to a guy staring in a top hat after being kicked the fuck out of State after State, just to come to rule a corner of the desert in a manner that more and more is turning out to be scarcely Constitutional....that is BULLSHIT I must tolerate. 

Well let a sister's genius present itself in full copy-paste glory:
 A bitch is not surprised that shit got nasty as the health care reform bill came up for a vote nor am I surprised that assholes hurled those slurs.

I’m not shocked.

This behavior is product of the tolerance movement in America and regular readers know that a bitch isn’t a fan of the school of tolerance.

Tolerance is a shitty contract between the privileged and the oppressed.

The privileged agree to “tolerate” otherness and difference as long as the other doesn’t make demands upon fighting for rights or equal treatment under law.

The other agrees to not challenge privilege in exchange for a false sense of security.
