Rage on the Right | Southern Poverty Law Center

Rage on the Right | Southern Poverty Law Center

When I began to attend University of Puget Sound in 1993, I was informed by a group of local skaters, one of which attended the school the extremely violently racist recent history of the city. I even later found out that my room had been the room targeted by graffiti, a swastika left on the door in spray paint or something, the year prior-that would have been Anderson-Langdon dorm. This is, of course, the year of "The Chronic" by Dr. Dre taking over all of hip-hop for a year or so, Biggie Smalls all that action. And Nazis all over the fuckin' place, openly, culturally neo-nazi, extra white supremacist with a side of snarky cracker sauce. Round those parts they had shirts, bumper stickers....whole clothing and product lines it seemed, yeah, Bumpershoot Festival was a fucken' hooooot as you can imagine! Full regalia, or no shirt that's how they showed their presence at the Violent Femmes show and shit, motherfuckers! Anyway, later my freshman year I saw what White America was fighting: Southern California gang culture (not social culture....gang culture, a twisted off-shoot, truly a product of Americana), 'Aryan' gang culture and 'Christian Identity' Euro-supremacist/White separatist religious evangelicalism, Christian revivalism, punk and rock revivalism that came with a great art scene and then; the new diversity....a Clintonian future of photos of sharply festooned multi-ethnic clusters of hep youngsters in mid parlance.....diverse music interests and cultural heroes equaled 'literate' in popular culture during the earliest 90s, Mtv said so much. Remember, the 'Culture War' was declared at a Republican rally for the candidacy of the Presidency, Rage Against the Machine was still interesting and I had desperate hopes for the future of the Soul Assassins (House of Pain, Funkdoobiest and Cypress Hill)....then I met the recruiter.

Tacoma, Washington had a little incident with their N.A.A.C.P. in 1993 (http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=19930729&slug=1713438)...it was bombed by a young man of my age from the community I moved to so that I could attend school and become a high school history teacher. Things change and things don't, but hearts of men have not the power to change fate, only act toward their destiny. A man, a former recruiter for the Aryan Nations gave a speech on The University of Puget Sound campusin 1993, Fall term, he had recruited the bomber, and he had something to say. He had a beautiful baby son, with a congenital cowl deformity, a flaw that his bretheren informed him couldn't be tolerated when they started cleaning things up and starting a new better world. His penance is, to run forever like Cain, warning of the storm's front slowly appearing like clouds sheltering the American media consumer from the sunlight of public oversight and accountability and even more importantly....the warm rays of Justice! He had photos of rituals, insides of bunker like compounds, film shot by the actress from 90210 that was like way older than the others.....and history. Photographs with elaborate explanation of individuals within organizations and those respective organizations' goals were outlined, it was brilliant. The network needed for the 'Invisible Empire' to strike back at those of us that just want a functioning, diverse, prosperous, peaceful State is set in place. I asked a question about the extent to which on a daily basis are we really...the Republic...in danger.....'all they need is the right spokesman.' The room was aghast, indicted....he reminded the crowd over and over again, he was raised 'normal', it didn't take convincing for him to become such a dedicated racist, it was already a part of his 'culture'.

Interesting side note, amongst each other, these characters conspire to separate even the various 'White' people so they can all have their own States....no really, they all still hate the Celts and consider Italians mixed breeds...really!

It has taken quite some time for Fox News to develop and normalizing Archie Bunker-esque prattlings by O'Reilly and Beck. When it comes down to it, Fox sold a product that truly was necessary in the market, what America isn't understanding is what we need to do about it. Technology has made leaps in targeting the new, young, diverse literati of that Clintonian dream....they are a generation that has little else to bond around than techno-cultural stuff....the Electric Company is a corporation mom and dad pays to keep the lights on, ROFL! Some of the most astonishingly ignorant racists I have encountered are young people trolling the internet looking to piss on someone for breathing. The lack of conceptualization of a nation-state that contains multiple 'cultures' is absolutely boggling or maybe terrifying to so many of these jilted inheritors of a fading empire. They see a cave of treasure like a mirage becoming sand that flows through the fingers as they grasp harder and dig deeper to achieve a purchase upon the great pile of....empire, beautiful golden spoils of grain, maize, open land and unfettered Liberty! Without treasured jewels left in the family, what finery is there to adorn 'White' culture with? I would say, for the most part that a suit is now the standard for the exemplar of 'White' culture's elite and general leadership. Outside of the artists, most 'White' people don't listen to the guy in board shorts in the same manner as say the obvious winner of Trump's television contest.

A great frustration I found in Americana in general is that authentic culture is marketed and manufactured into products stripping something away from the culture itself. Like uh....rock/rap....hate that shit, yeah, Run DMC did that shit, and that was a long time ago, just stop it...it has always been a little wackey sounding unless done by REALLY GOOD artists, such as the BEASTIE Boys. There comes a point that it does have to be reflected upon...has the 'culture' become watered down....are there any standards at all, anything that is 'ours'. I think the West is fond of the arguments about 'evolution' of culture and tying that to art in the West, especially in the modern period...nice, whatever, Ryukyu laquer is ryukyu laquerware, end of story there is other laquerware and it isn't the same, it's a cultural art. They could just eat out of cheap ass China and they probably do AND they try to maintain the arts of their culture. Since we no longer manufacture...what do we make that shows, physically, right then at point-of-sale the greatness of 'White' culture? What do 'White' people do any more? This applies to Americana in general, it's not like only white folks manufacture stuff, but in the mindstate of the imperialist, that votes along the lines of cultural hegemony exemplified in Republicans of the day....that is the 'White' that Pat Robertson was alluding to in the 'Culture War'...one side versus snarky, techno-saavy, slang slangin' basketball fans....with a penchant for soccer....oh, what are 'White' people gonna' do?

Culture....celebrating Christmas in January....who does that? I know, because I know my cultures, what is 'ponset'? If you are at a shop that has on the menu General Cho's Chicken and Pho...you're good....actually, if they have Vietnamese or Thai tea and coffee you are really, set. Now, if you are at a place with sushi, and Cantonese buffet....you might be in some trouble when you get home to the commode. I know my culture, I esteem the authentic so much I don't fuck with it....don't ask what the fuck it is....trust the chef and eat it, FUCKIN' Americans! People want to share their way with others, it makes their way special....when it's authentic. I believe many older 'White' Americans see their culture as manifested in their grandchildrens' generation as degenerate or inauthentic....it's almost viciously angry. They are a generation that is being left behind in bold leaps and they don't understand why, Glen Beck seems young and hip to them...naw, I'm playing.

It's just pressure, the pressure never lets up and a lot of Americans have forgotten their bitter roots, this includes everyone no matter 'ethnicity'....bitter makes the insides stay strong, it keeps the pith of a thing health. Healthcare, economic reform, 'social justice', women's rights, gender rights and a revival of a new less pedantic secular rationality in popular culture....these are the piles of crowns and dubloons that have always been funny money....dreams deferred, it was all just credit....a whole people owed their share....and most of those people look like White people. Yes, poor, agricultural state 'White' females are one of the key groups that have to be watched as a statistical group because they are representative of 'White' poverty's worse off when times are bad, as far as the stats I've been privy to throughout my life. It is increasingly distasteful to reflect upon how truly poor one's background was in certain arenas of the media. People just don't ever want to discuss the very large number of 'White' people that are 'working' poor, underemployed, looking for more and better paying work and not having children because of it. They are normal, they are the average, they aren't the Clintonian dream photo, might be the sole proprietorship photographer or light guy....psssh and light guy. Everything must be marvelous and sparkling to fit easily into or onto a marketable package, but a good sob story does always sell an artists' authenticity nowadays, know what I mean?

To enliven agricultural zones is very difficult and tremendous subsidizing of these communities takes place....good thing too, because people have to eat, plain and simple. In popular media, the esteem for the trappings of wealth, smiling, laughing with your diverse, smartly suited graduate school mates cum exec creation squad is the Clintonian image of the 'winner' in the game of 'capitalism' or 'free-market'. Losers are dusty, Carhartt and tartan adorned, sunburnt rural 'rednecks'....I hate that word, and I hear white people use it constantly! Now, 'Redneck' is a term of endearment festooning large 4x4s as decals, sharing company with Humvees that have 'Infidel', a lovely crusade era term for 'faithless', which did sort of describe those who sacked Jerusalem....anyway, why be literate and show the trappings of literacy, (sigh) These drivers want the world to understand that they know what they are....they know their culture, they are authentic 'Infidel' 'Rednecks'....uhh, awesome! What's wrong with farming...it's hard as the hobs of hell?! And that is what makes the maintenance of that culture admirable, an admiration that I think is not shown yet by the present efforts of the Congress and White House, atleast not yet. We'll see, real water projects have to start soon and immigration reform has to start balancing out the labor demand for 'White' agricultural region labor....something's got to give, so much has to get done and their are so many skilled people too expensive to dig a ditch.

My father, loathed the word redneck and instilled that in me, he like to stress how working class people are taught to esteem the trappings of wealth rather than taught to enrich their persons. Culture causes people to enrich themselves in the tradition of that which is important to their 'people' whoever that is, it keeps your group sense of authenticity intact. One of the things that is balanced upon that great treasure pile of our cultural gems is a sharp, sharp thing.....the cutting question that is never asked....what is 'White' culture and what is it to preserve it? I proudly maintain the values and mores of my upbringing and for probably similar reasons and motives as my parents. Ofttimes I am an oddity amongst my peers because of my way, causing me to wonder what way shall they pass on? What treasures will they promise or provide to our descendants? What are these 'White' folks gonna' do?
