I was watching Stefan Molyneux on his Youtube channel 'stefbot' and this is a great post.


     Thinking over this I have thought what humans would do without central planning is form...'societies' or collectives based on differing motives. They would confine themselves to geographically small areas most likely to preserve resources. These societies would be run by various voluntary committees, boards of interest in capital projects...the whole society would be busy, there is always more to do than just survive and now that we know this, we can't go back. Prometheus will not remained bound. It takes a titanic leap of faith to believe in your neighbor. At the present there are too many problems to start with the welfare state. If I were to cripple the violence of an empire I would apply to science to the goal of defense. Defense in all case whether personal or regional, continental entail a disciplined internal state. Right now, our country isn't open to assault because of our orderly military not having enough hardware, it's because we depend upon trillions of dollars in cocaine to fuel middle class prosperity. Cocaine is a drug of the employed and typically white, professional, decently educated and generally of the middle class. It's sheer expense and notoriety keeps many U.S. ethnic minorities away from it's use preferring cannabis. Not only is this my personal experience being black and from San Francisco and being lightly soaked in the drug trade but also many studies on drug use.

     Organized crime and violence go back to just around the Civil War, it was discovered in Italian and Irish Catholic enclaves in cities such as Boston, New Orleans, New York and Charleston that 'gangs' were afoot. The 'Dead Rabbits' of 'Gangs of New York' fame is accurate in some of it's portrayal. They did carry dead rabbits on some stick thing, it had a name, I haven't researched this for some time now. The thing about crime and gangs, you need a gang when the police beat the shit out of people you know and for no reason. Libertarians eventually have to come to the conclusion that there is a problem with how gangs can even persist....there is no hole, the story of how gangs started is lost in time. Here are some stories of gangs for Libertarians and Anarchists:

The Crips-(1968?) Once known as a crew calling themselves 'The Baby Cribs' wanted to protect their neighborhood from racists and police brutality like the Black Panther Party advocated. On a street not far away, Piru St. formed the...

Bloods- also calling themselves Pirus after the original street.Similar mentality though also I've heard tales and interviews saying they were a reaction to the second generation (1970s) 'Crips' causing trouble in their neighborhood. Once again juvenile rivalry starting as brawls and melee progresses as drugs (crack cocaine, and there are lots of stories about that) makes killing marketable and veterans in their twenties have a need for the former and skills of the latter.

Aryan Brotherhood(1960s?)-An organization to establish control over corruption of the prison system so as to protect 'their own' for the influence other gangs could have over the system and staff.

Skinheads (1967....from what I've been told was the style of the day)-Not really a gang just a youth 'cult' that styled themselves in the fashion of the 'mods' (modernists, scooterists, Beatles, R&B stars, Jamaican rude boys, etc. Google that shit!). In fact simply being a look of the identifiable working class Briton with modern tastes in music, style and literate with an eye for upward mobility all made them media's favorite spectacle. British media needed a way of making the upwardly mobile commoner look oafish, and the tabloids twisted the story of a generation.

When right wing elements infected some of their young second generation adherents to the 'cult' it became the poster for the new face of fascism. It poisoned the air waves while police went on brutalizing Jamaicans and Britons too poor and powerless to fight back, while the middle class and left looked to solve the 'skinhead' problem. The U.S. has a sordid history with this lifestyle and now today many people here in the states live it in the 'Spirit of '69' fashion with a focus on reggae, ska, garage, punk, oi and style that is associated with the comraderie of the culture rather than the 'soccer hooligan' stereotype of the skinhead.

Some of the nicest, straight-shooter, generous folks have been from 'gang' cultures. They don't want violence, it's just there and what they have is a tradition that tells them to fight back. As those who have anti-state leanings, that seems like everyone, everywhere at all times. Gangsterism is borne of the feeling of being absconded by injustice, immorality, disloyalty, impropriety and chaos while knowing that such a state is referred to as normal. I am most certainly inaccurate on some of this, I am going off what I remember, I am not a gangster, I have just known some. They are normal folks in abnormal circumstances and react accordingly.

OH YES my point, there will be MARTIAL SOCIETIES and they won't be militias, that will be something that seems more patchwork and volunteerist. Martial societies will be for people that want to be....warriors, the need will be to deal with aggression, the models exist from the warrior temples of India, China, Iran and whole societies that seemed heavily based within a vanguard of warriours like the earliest Cossacks of the Don prior to their imperial allegiances. This will suit some people, it will be a hard business to sell. Most of their products in a free society will be training services for security personnel and physical culture....and personal bodyguards, like in 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon'. I have more models of this, the Zoorkaneh supposedly goes back before Islam and seems to be based around a fire like a Zoroastrian ritual. Now they are simply associated with wrestling and physical training...in a way. The Sokol of Czech? decent, they have a similar Christian background and now are gymnastics organizations. Don't fear armies, make them for profit and they'll vanish!

Just some thoughts, not even going to edit this right away....blowing smoke....in the imperial tea house. Good night.
