Estranged, angry and often in awe

To be estranged

     Once I remember my aunt and uncle and younger cousin arriving in Fort Reily, Kansas...I don't know if I am misspelling that name...and I stayed belly in the snow prone watching them, pass like a cat believing itself not to be seen. Unfortunately, that feral streak of doubt of the group, the fascination with finding a reason to stalk at night....wildness...I focused that in certain places, thanks to guidance and education most of which was middle class and private.  My parents and many others I can that as much value as my mind? I found that I had no way of dealing with the past emotionally because no longer exists....I understand this dharma and my mind is freed to take on the present because I have known since I was young, to my pith, the future is unwritten. All institutions, all orders, systems of 'faith', methods, tactics, policies, doctrines, oaths, vows, structures....all of it must adapt to the needs of the mind of the individual, the mind of the individual just has to use science to morally employ those aforementioned concepts. often little more than a concept to me, not to be cold, I buried all the family that saw my birth already.

     I use family as an example of the outcome of my thinking and moral choices and such like because it's the pith of what constructs an individual whether they like it or not. Outside of kibbutzniks you don't see groups that have tried actively to develop a structure that isn't biological at it's pith and then from their gets uniquely complicated based on the society.  Mom and dad make you who you are or whoever taught you to wipe your ass, use a cup, that's the "TeeVEE" all that jazz...the millions of unremembered moments...these are the pattern ancestors fashion on the young. That is why grandma and grandpa are so important, their antiquity helps fashion a youth's range of knowledge and expression, different aged people have different emotional depths they can emote through hundreds of vocal and body language signals we all use, time gets you better at them. We learn from the characteristics of 'na-na' whether we want to live a life like hers or not is another deal.

    Humans are glorious, I don't understand them, so I efface my heart attempting to staunch the flow of memory and stopple up the input of the world....and I feel, deeply, mostly for others I have found...because that is human no matter how much I were something stronger. Knowing how fragile life is, leaves me estranged at times I feel and then suddenly I am absconded tossed about in melee we call society.

    I am angry because that feels kinetic....protesting, boycotts. campaigning against '_'....these are no longer kinetic...they are potential energy, the big move hasn't happened. You can tell that a potential is building in society because of the relatively low level of violence in the United States compared to Europe and the comparable rates of youth joblessness. The government is already beefing up it's small arms and anti infantry capabilities and it's spooking the most well armed people on the planet. We all see either the hero left to rust or the rapscallion lurking about, fixing upon a scheme to menace your property to obtain nourishment. Neither of these men can find employ in a nation that dwarfs all others that have ever been in monetary wealth. There is so much human potential here alone, I don't believe people here know how to trust that in their neighbor. We aren't there yet but all myth whether Abrahamic or Occult....all prophecy....all the oracles tell us that we are reaching a confluence....maybe it's mostly us crazy US folks, maybe we're really about to change our thinking. I am often in awe of what people are capable of.

     We can have money without a government to print it now, we have the capacity, we can keep the lights on, we have food, we need a system that is system-less, a structure made by our shared capacities now that there still is enough of a dearth of wealth to reconstruct the world by deconstructing it. We have to trust that it is natural for humans to feel deeply for each other, we couldn't have made it this far without that innate desire. We like to please each other more than almost any other feeling, we're built to give or we would have starved our young. We would never really procreate if mutual pleasure weren't a factor because females reward male behavior with the opportunity to have offspring.

    Freedom from structure through scientific, rational's possible, humans can do it. I am quite sure we'll have to.
