I like Mr. Rooke-Ley’s essay and as a liberal, meaning I believe that humans should be free of coercion, violent or otherwise, and that individuals have a right to property. I have to agree that men are checking out of the party political framework as it has existed since the Great Depression. I am one of these men, I am legally categorized as black....as opposed to ‘white’ whatever ethnic or cultural trait that is supposed to reference, even though I’m of mixed ethnic heritage. Recently, I realized I am absconded by people that know Tarot far better than The Republic and Paul’s Letters to the Romans far better than ‘The True Believer’ by Hoffer. When reading Rooke-Ley’s essay I found it ironic that I believe the same day in 1887 Lord Acton wrote these words:
     “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority.”

    The scholastics will write in to the Weekly, if this is published, pointing out that the context isn’t included....that a chief executive in charge of the armed forces, whom also maintains the fundamental structure of the imperial economy (British East India Company)....well, professor I don’t see how the Oval Office and the cabinet bristling with people tied to Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan....that is not similar at all, especially when we include the friendly relationship the executive of our nation seems to have with the utter failures to accomplish their jobs, at the Fed....let me pause.

 Your Concern About Government as the ‘Enemy’

    Many party liberals don’t understand the argument made by the Pauls or the libertarians or Ayn Rand because it’s based in philosophy, objectivism. And like all types of philosophy it is complicated to go through the definition of terms, epistemology, ethics, morality and so on unless you have forums to discuss this....say online. There isn’t room in the hallowed halls of education because.....well, it’s not a ‘nice’ school of philosophy. Democrats prefer Locke over Spinoza for example....because, you don’t want offend those who believe in ‘make believe’.It’s a philosophy developed by a childless woman, that was self-centered and published one the most read set of books ever written in a language she learned in her teens and twenties.

    The awesome changes progressive liberalism of the ‘baby boom’ generation made to education is great, real science entered Western thought in a way that hadn’t been seen since the Enlightenment. The skepticism of socialism by my grandfather’s generation caused the ‘cultural revolution’ here because of the healthy exploration of criticism of a new proletariat literati, my father’s generation (Silent Generation) and my mother’s (Boomers). Most men owe tremendous amounts of gratitude toward a change in society toward the rational. Without female labor entering the market after the 1920s, a great amount of world wide wealth couldn’t have happened. Medicine, science, astronomy (in particular), mathematics, humanities, anthropology, psychology... just so many things have had pioneers that were women....remember, it was institutions with the toleration and encouragement of the State, that usurped womens’ and ethnic minorities’ endowed rights.
    Social liberalism, is rational for the most part, it isn’t right to, say write a book....full of rules to live by....say in another place and time....and force strangers born near you to follow those rules.....I have been endowed with rights, it is fundamentally illogical to say that you can commit violence against others and it negates my existence to say I can’t own property....that’s why the founders constructed it suchly.

   Economic conservatism....well, that is a tough term, it’s gotten fuzzier, libertarians can’t argue that Israel should get a thin dime....got a problem with that liberals? Military aid is fundamentally immoral, and foreign aid is seen as a good....as long as ‘we’ like the dictator that year....where was the Democratic Party on this, the left, the liberals....all over the place, at shows, livin’ the dream brother....while kids like me hunted each other in the streets after school during the Clinton years, where were the liberals then with their awesome volunteering to reopen the arcades and community centers? Self-serving....that’s why I’m alive ‘to live and live life to it’s fullest’ liberals love that one from the Nazarene....if he said it...if he existed.

    The government, or rather all you nice folks, have the authority to take my life and my property, how then am I truly free? If I follow the rules right? If I wear the wrong clothes I could get shot, locked in a box or hey if I’m lucky just stripped searched and put through the ‘bend over and squat’ test.....maybe I’ll just get tazed until I crap my pants. You can scarcely get police fired, not to mention jailed when they commit crime....how does that work? Are they more free than me? Oh, no it’s that only good people want the power to put a bullet through another human.....are you really going to argue that one, liberals? Have you heard of the drug war? Remember, Serpico got shot in the face.....’engagement’ to reform a system run by people that can’t wait to be photographed at church on the run up to election but ‘believe’ in science and ‘religious tolerance’ in more sober moments.

     Elizabeth Warren is awesome, and weren’t they all, Pelosi, Obama, Kucinich, Grayson....oh the dreams we had, voting worked that time right? The investment method of the Social Security Trust Fund could be sound in the hands of people that can survive not having access to it. I doubt it will, and now even Obama is wobbly, like a truly glass backed Democratic politico..... hand your eggs over and one day says the wolf, I will give you back chickens!

Oh, but just vote!
I did!

Should I vote harder next time?! Men that are checking out aren’t misogynists either, as not implied by the Mr. Rooke-Ley....it’s what society tells us when you show us our contract as men in ‘society’. Toes to the line....or your any variety of deviant...remember, the only reason we medicate boys is because they don’t mimic the preferred behavior pattern of girls in school....yeah, look it up, it’s criminal we drug little boys so as to teach them multiplication....a practice unheard of in my upbringing!

Here’s to Your Men’s Movement!

   Who gets shot by police, who gets drafted, who gets butchered at birth, who is expected to be enamored with running into fires, gunfire, other entertaining athletes, who gets crushed to death at work, who gets burned to death at work, who dies of heart attacks and strokes and cancer that went undiagnosed by a doctor they don’t see, though paying higher insurance premiums that are not commensurate to services provided?.....men! Everyday it is my duty to be a ‘man’ about things....bury your dad, back to work, bury your mom back to work, bad back? Sorry, it isn’t a period so fuck you....that’s what a wage earning man is motivated by, like a tired stud horse. With the pedants and scholastics arguing over how to ‘educate’ ‘communicate’ ‘show it’s in everyone’s best interests’....what, that neither of your sandals match your socks or the hair tie binding that wispy skullet from whipping too wildly at some faded legends’ show at the WOW....Pssssh, ask a man who’s been locked up about the social contract....let’s see how many of you understand the price a man pays just to be lucky enough to pick up your garbage!

     Now, let me make something clear, I will give to a starving person, I would rather work with them, ideally hire them....that won’t happen because there is no manufacturing base here. That won’t happen because we live in an oligarchic kakostocracy. Manufacturing goods is what men have done for ages usually because it took an amount of toil, unsafe for the more valuable members of society women and children to participate. I viscerally am disturbed by suffering and I am not my brother’s keeper, I am not a global citizen...man fuck that, we just built a stadium but can’t shelter the homeless in this city?..Why, because they are men who failed.....that’s why and we throw them on the heap. Don’t get mad.....get engaged, psssh, give a homeless man a ride in your hybrid! Sorry, I’m on foot, too busy working, lifting iron, nicing up me rest and enjoying my money and free time, I don’t have to check back in....none of us do.....and society, you’ll learn to love it or like it until you all come around. Yeah, that’s right professor, Job, Atlas, Jacob, Prometheus....were all shrugging this nonsense off, until science triumphs and people stop making policy from Leviticus or the Fifth Sacred Thing.

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