If you can't pull....meaning you can't do chin ups or deadlifts here's what helped my skinny ass.

I recently weighed myself and I am only clocking in at about 155 at the heaviest at 5'10" and I get asked about my strength now and then from friends. If you stumble on this little piece of my mind and it suits, try it, it might work.

To do a chin up, first you have to cheat. Jump up to the bar and do a 'tank pull', the bar is perpendicular to your clavicles....get it, you have to pull with both hands to your shoulder, or the other shoulder. This is easiest because it is the simplest way for us to obtain position on a branch...get it now, yeah wrap your legs around the apparatus....doesn't matter whatever it takes to get as much of you close that bar. Lower always controlled, never do anything that you lose control. It's slow but shit....you can't chin now. The strength for strict chins will come, doorway pulls...standing yes, see Convict Conditioning, great for getting the groove of the 'tank pull' when at home. Buy a doorway chin up bar, really, don't join a gym, one knee high ball, one foam roller, one 24-36lbs. kbell and a chin bar and you should be on the road to Sparta!

Deading, hold your hands out palms down like Superman...where are your elbows pointed....make them turn down....keep your palms in place.....breath....drop your shoulders until your clavicles are parallel with the floor. Feel that in your shoulder? Yeah, grab and squeeze any bar arm while you do that and your life will change. Those are my thoughts, gotta' pull this bitch a few more times tonight.
