Feminism as marxism and beggar thy neighbor, the loss of manhood in America, the love of work and deadlifts....and Nagarjuna.

     I have been thinking deeply about a statement that caused me to analyze my political understanding over about a year now; and the statement went something like this....'Feminism is Socialism with tits'.  This first made me gasp because the person saying this wasn't prone to vulgarity.  Obsiquy of a rare contemporary brilliance....Stefan Molyneux philosopher extraordinaire.....said this and I knew that once again the pillars of my world were to be shaken if not felled.

     Statements like this don't surprise me coming originally from a leftist end liberal...possibly neo-liberal point of view on what good governance entails.  The endless bickering over how someone says something this way or that, feh, serious now? Isn't there a fundamental social problem that we're trying to resolve?  I felt that the representative system was simply being sabotaged by idealogues...then I thought, well aren't the people I like full of big 'ideas'....I love the idea of turning funding for the Pentagon into funding for a Dept. of Peace....well, then I liked it, now that freaks me out.  Anti-fascism, anti-communism, anti-dictator, none of it is enough anymore....the human species must be liberated from coercion and theft. Property rights and peaceful, voluntary participation in society is now the road that the powerful part of the world must take.

    I am going too fast, getting too excited here.....The average 'Liberal' knows that the system is corrupted by individuals and groups with 'undo' amounts of influence....they find a way of skewing good policy into less effective policy that helps their constituency.  Few if any liberals know that liberal really is an old reference to those that weren't Crown loyalists and supported ideas of burgeoning human liberation for that time.  I think that if we know what we have achieved we must move on from here and not retreat and find a cohesive moral and ethical structure to support human liberation permanently.  The fact that the liberals as a movement aren't really doing this that well without engaging themes of past failed moral structures....I am looking at the Marxist school. I have found that liberals can't contend the logic of property rights, especially when they have been educated on symbolic logic and philosophy.  Revisiting some of this stuff and investigating the Mises Institute skeptically has made my mind a fresh field for a whole new realm of thinking....anarchism....to be unruled.

    Living in Eugene, Oregon one thing that I have picked up on is that jail is it's own creature....exile or ostracizing someone is totally different uncoolness that harshes the feng and shui's mellow.  Even the anarchists don't seem to have this down....you would cast people out to fend for themselves, societies would form....they would have social customs and acceptable behavioral standards and acceptance of individuals would be as free as the voluntary association by that individual.  Many people here feel that taxation is a necessity, an inevitability like death....how does stuff get done?  Extracting by percentage, decided by experts hired by elected representatives....had this gotten us a just economic system....whatever 'just' is to mean....Marxist thinking has a very different 'just' than Abrahamic law....or British law.  I just want the debate....why is Ron Paul ridiculous.....and terribly popular?

      Know your opponent, I have found them to be just people like me that are trapped in the Empire's grip and the common field of thought is simply fetid.  Back to the 'Feminism thing....' being that it mostly has meant that central management has dedicated payouts, tax subsidies, governmental contractual favor and good press.....the fruits of feminism are always popular to uphold by politicians.  GirlWritesWhat really locks all this up in a omoplata and puts it soundly to bed...wait, nothing about female mma here....that's for another blog.  No, I have found that Adam Kokesh, Stefan Molyneux, Max Keiser, Stacy Herbert, Lauren Lyster, Rachel Maddow (some of the best reporting for a looooong time), GirlWritesWhat, TyphonBlue....these folks have caused me to have a clip full of ammo to throw at arguments for the empire and it's twisted world.  The anti-misandry, mens' rights movement is interesting me more than ever. I am one hundred percent positive of the general motivations of these men....they know that cruelty will end species wide in a way never before seen if we are kind to our sons like the developed world now dotes on the gender specific needs of their daughters. Liberals won't face the truth about a generation of sons that have never had a need to look sharp, or sharpen a blade.....whet stone....with an 'h' young man.  Baby boomer wanted an empire of liberal peace full of pink collard men and it didn't work....it was truly a dream....reality is hard, hard labor.

    It's wrong to rob young men of hard physical work, if not rough play. Not all kids like rough play, I loved hard labor, not getting tackled, it made me feel strong and purposeful.....just digging holes, anything, chopping up a bush...anything felt good.  I didn't know that was my mind calling out for something that men must have....not until I was an adult and training in martial arts....hard work is good for your spirit.  Liberals here are of all sorts but the camping culture, outdoorsiness draped in petroleum product clothes....like that means you are healthy and cultured....fucking chumps....do some deads and read Nagarjuna....bitches. Anyway, feminism if it is this business about that patriarchy has something more to it than the coercive power of the state to enforce it....well, don't waste my time with your piece meal justification of a machine that eats boys.  The more you are down with prisons and war the further you are from your daughter having a healthy male as a mate in the future....that's it, that's the outcome....you are fucking her chances....maybe yours?

    Still busting out a lot of kettlebell work with deadlifts, and I got a heavy bag stand finally so that is boss and I've been starting to hit so I need to drill properly for all of it. It already has fucked with my right paw a bit. My pulls are great though, getting a high volume of over bodyweight deads. I hope Ryan never takes that bar back....it would be shame. I think I still am floating just below 160 at 5' 10"....can't explain it. Oh, well it works.
