And meanwhile on the edges of Rome a fire rages uncontrolled--Innocence of Muslims Trailer "Egypt Protest Movie"

Now, I don't even know how to put the gloves are off. I don't think the Christians understand, to many normal Muslim people, this just shows that the West can't grasp 'the sacred'. Being we fund Islamic extremists through covert operations via State Department and the CIA and other alphabet soup organizations, people in the West must get over their sense of superior morality. The one republic that is holding itself together is Iran and look at the pressure we put on them! This has screwed the pooch, seriously screwed the pooch! It isn't really that funny anyway, it's just that bad/awkward Tosh....act like a dick, say dickish things and insist on your sense of humor being....more....better. Obtuse, bigoted and going for low hanging fruit, shall we analyze the pith of Abrahamic morality and how it's evolved. If I remember correctly that nation state was handed to anyone Jewish who showed up by France, Britain and the U.S.....oh, yes and god on high....because the politicians at the U.N. have certainly always spoke for Him. Mmmmm.....this is very upsetting. This is what all the riots are about.
