April the third of two thousand and thirteen, a common man's thoughts as he drinks deep of the wealth bequeathed from the empire.
On men, women and sexual gratification....this from Typhon Blue. Brilliant, witty, nerdy and with uncomfortably beautiful eyes I find the way she can take 'feminist principles' and reforge them into a flail of pure iron to use against Marx-in-drag.
This post from RazorBladeKandy on Youtube is brilliant about the problem I've always had even when I was a blind, red, Statist loyal party-man...hup, hup! Men don't want to know if a girl is 'easy' or a 'slut' so as to get in her pants....that is not manly and she's obviously troubled, with little reconnoitering you have found her sexual past to be quite the story! No, men want a woman that will be as inexperienced as him and willing to give it all a try because you both are that into each other and no one else will ever take that person's place. Pick up artists do what they do because it is pleasurable, just like men that want a goddess on her feet and hell cat in the sheets for the rest of their natural lives because that is pleasurable to that type of man. It is women that must now as a 'feminist' 'community', whatever since the soviet era a vague term like that shit is supposed to phenomenally buttress, start getting real about how the ladies have fallen off like an over paid M.C., no rap, same shit, outfits are too young, references are dated or silly and misused.....once an aunt said something to me about women and men....it was hard to hear.....women learn what's cool from men because men get together and do cool stuff. I work with many women and crafting and gardening, animal care, but lots of movies and contemporary literature....and depraved television shows about heroic serial killers......they frighten me. Venus seems sullied everyday more and more and I lust for her brilliance for I am a man and Venus gives the all important third point to the reference of time's passage that all orders of men have kept holy and secret in codes and symbols. I digress......
For the people of Wales, get hep to this action.
Now, the information of Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood, that I am going to have to do some more digging. I am now curious if she was fond of the Fabian Society and those types. Totalitarian socialists, those that either become Communist by title or Fascist by moniker, Il Duce apparently had a way with branding his warped kleptocracy and those that wanted something similar.....they all just suck and now their thinking has been normalized. Much of this normalizing came through catching hold of the coattails of the jazz era and the Harlem Renaissance and pulling every group that Marxist 'critical theory' could attract to the banner, pomp and parade. Usually, Black folks, especially the male artists fade, letting go of the movement and stopping to settle down, find a lady, live near the Church and school, he could teach music and help with the choir, the great duty to the world completing itself. I read a lot of liner notes and have a romance with men that seem larger than life to me, they made the music that changed the species, they were there, when clubs had nights for different ethnic groups and it was changing now and then, little by little, the 45s were selling in too large a number for only Black collectors and fans.....
Just some thoughts, the tea was good today, cake is selling well in the Empire, I am noticing more requests for items that are not made with sugar or are 'diabetic safe'.....yes.....wine that doesn't get you drunk.....like food in the realm of hungry ghosts......I write this and publish this because I am realizing the beauty of this Republic, what we could do if power was decentralized and the States made by counties could focus on simple solutions to common troubles.....one thousand answers in over a thousand places....'let there be a small state, with few people' the Old Master spake.....I am learning true Faith, Charity and Hope in these, the other free people here, in the United States. I don't think they understand that they are free, it is a guarantee, we all win in the deal if we live with rectitude and integrity.
Aurini has me all theological, I have been reading a lot of Jack Courtis, Albert Pike....I know, I know and Father Kallos Ware, his book The Orthodox Way is magnificent and has caused my mind to expand upon my Catholic education multiple folds. These three are tough to set down for Plato and Bertrand Russell, the latter advised by a recent philosophy mentor of mine. Anyway, Aurini posted this and it's great....I really don't want to edit this, I am rather poor at going over my writing, as time goes on I am going to have to do so. This probably reads like riding the outside of an old MUNI metro train.
I am going to link this whole deal to Reddit real quick and think about something substantial, outline it, edit it and really attempt to write something intelligible.
This post from RazorBladeKandy on Youtube is brilliant about the problem I've always had even when I was a blind, red, Statist loyal party-man...hup, hup! Men don't want to know if a girl is 'easy' or a 'slut' so as to get in her pants....that is not manly and she's obviously troubled, with little reconnoitering you have found her sexual past to be quite the story! No, men want a woman that will be as inexperienced as him and willing to give it all a try because you both are that into each other and no one else will ever take that person's place. Pick up artists do what they do because it is pleasurable, just like men that want a goddess on her feet and hell cat in the sheets for the rest of their natural lives because that is pleasurable to that type of man. It is women that must now as a 'feminist' 'community', whatever since the soviet era a vague term like that shit is supposed to phenomenally buttress, start getting real about how the ladies have fallen off like an over paid M.C., no rap, same shit, outfits are too young, references are dated or silly and misused.....once an aunt said something to me about women and men....it was hard to hear.....women learn what's cool from men because men get together and do cool stuff. I work with many women and crafting and gardening, animal care, but lots of movies and contemporary literature....and depraved television shows about heroic serial killers......they frighten me. Venus seems sullied everyday more and more and I lust for her brilliance for I am a man and Venus gives the all important third point to the reference of time's passage that all orders of men have kept holy and secret in codes and symbols. I digress......
For the people of Wales, get hep to this action.
Now, the information of Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood, that I am going to have to do some more digging. I am now curious if she was fond of the Fabian Society and those types. Totalitarian socialists, those that either become Communist by title or Fascist by moniker, Il Duce apparently had a way with branding his warped kleptocracy and those that wanted something similar.....they all just suck and now their thinking has been normalized. Much of this normalizing came through catching hold of the coattails of the jazz era and the Harlem Renaissance and pulling every group that Marxist 'critical theory' could attract to the banner, pomp and parade. Usually, Black folks, especially the male artists fade, letting go of the movement and stopping to settle down, find a lady, live near the Church and school, he could teach music and help with the choir, the great duty to the world completing itself. I read a lot of liner notes and have a romance with men that seem larger than life to me, they made the music that changed the species, they were there, when clubs had nights for different ethnic groups and it was changing now and then, little by little, the 45s were selling in too large a number for only Black collectors and fans.....
Just some thoughts, the tea was good today, cake is selling well in the Empire, I am noticing more requests for items that are not made with sugar or are 'diabetic safe'.....yes.....wine that doesn't get you drunk.....like food in the realm of hungry ghosts......I write this and publish this because I am realizing the beauty of this Republic, what we could do if power was decentralized and the States made by counties could focus on simple solutions to common troubles.....one thousand answers in over a thousand places....'let there be a small state, with few people' the Old Master spake.....I am learning true Faith, Charity and Hope in these, the other free people here, in the United States. I don't think they understand that they are free, it is a guarantee, we all win in the deal if we live with rectitude and integrity.
Aurini has me all theological, I have been reading a lot of Jack Courtis, Albert Pike....I know, I know and Father Kallos Ware, his book The Orthodox Way is magnificent and has caused my mind to expand upon my Catholic education multiple folds. These three are tough to set down for Plato and Bertrand Russell, the latter advised by a recent philosophy mentor of mine. Anyway, Aurini posted this and it's great....I really don't want to edit this, I am rather poor at going over my writing, as time goes on I am going to have to do so. This probably reads like riding the outside of an old MUNI metro train.
I am going to link this whole deal to Reddit real quick and think about something substantial, outline it, edit it and really attempt to write something intelligible.
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