I had been also thinking further about proxy violence and the women and feminist morality.

Huh, sure enough Stefan Molyneux has done two, yes two vids on the subject of self-criticism and perfectionism. I love people's thoughts and how thoughts can be melded and worked like the finest metal.....argent and gossamer at the same time, but one must really understand their metallurgy and how to properly forge the tools of the mind.  He has done the hard internal, self-effacing work, and I have had to accept he had a different personality than mine.  I've had to think quite a bit about this, religion is my creativity, and it is governed by certain rules that U.P.B. solidly buttress. Jesus Christ, refers to 'Anointed Redeemer' and the concept was not alone a Hebrew idea.....they made it happen though....and only their peculiar theology made it work and the mystery has driven people....to the moon!  One arm of my compass are the laws that govern peaceful, honest living as a human among other humans and they are as real as physics because I can base them on universal principles....the other are the innumerable stories, legends, rites, ikons, theologies....they are feeling and emotion.....religion must make life beautiful....a beautiful unity or it estranges one from themselves.  Stoic behavior makes one like stone, too florid and you're just a hippy.....it isn't supposed to be about who are you allowed to bully and pester.....which djinn has lifted your tent.....which vapor has given your young the influence.....!  Spells! I'm not speaking to Joe's son Josh, I am using the tools left to me to connect beyond reason to a feeling, an incredibly good feeling, so good oft-times I wish for a few moments to reach out for it.  To feel golden again, and again....re-deemed.

     I strive for goodness because I am afraid of being judged, and that isn't good enough because I must have true and complete faith in good, it is more than rules there is a deep, self-effacement that has occurred to endeavor toward the good.  I have abandoned the State, my beautiful tribe, my flag, my town, the names of places I never visit, and really have no capacity to care about......really, care about.....but I can VOTE! I can decide the fate of places that I don't understand, lives that I have no idea about.....there is power and responsibility in the republic.  Pike discusses the fall of a republic and how the lawyers and politicians and bankers end up being little more than teams of brigands robbing the commoners.   Proxy violence and theft won't work much longer, White people don't even believe in marriage anymore!  And the girls will turn on the old, young women hate old people....I work in food service.....and old women hate young women just as much. It's hilarious to watch sometimes. This made me remember that.
