Great video posts that I checked out this afternoon. Men, power, suicide and how American that combo is; Skinheads and Nailheads;

Russel Lindquist....I believe he's on the lam in ol' Mexico or something to that effect...he said it not me, he's an interesting guy and I think that he and I have very similar personality types.  There is a way he says things that is how I would word it if I had just a bit more time to think....I like that in a man that has a public face and opinion.....he says what I am thinking but better.  Davis M.J. Aurini says a lot of what my inner skinhead is thinking....really, inner skinhead, I am no football hooligan, no knuckle tattoos and I like my braces thin and unfrayed without a bunch of silliness and foppery upon them. I am planning on antiquing my cherry red docs because I saw how this one skinhead that came to visit did his Gripfasts and I now want to get a different suss happening because I can't really afford gear with all the study I am doing.

Oh! But I am trying to open up, damn Lindquist nailed it, the way we have undermined women's virtue is just awful.  Advertising is simply not a man's game, and hasn't been for some time, and for thirty years women spend more on consumable, all the sexist advert business is their fault either on the demand or supply Hitler.....ouch! Hey the vote was in your hands ladies and you ended the empire and are turning the ancient East into a graveyard....don't blame deviant men....they go to jail and oft-times can't vote afterward.....remember? Yup, your mom, your sister, your bestest friend....she will vote to send your son to die.....because possibly virtue is learned, like language, like mathematics, like interior decorating or small business management.....tee hee, sleep on that.  And pray for your sons.

I am not fond of Nine Inch Nails, I think that it is the music of the Welfare State, manufactured by warped deviants to twist the fight out of a drug addled youth.  

       White drugs, powder and pharmies, oh and clear booze.....lots of daring levels of clear booze, always what I found in common among 'Nailheads'.  Often they are moribund in physiology and very 'smart', they like serial killers and depraved, abject imagery in the form of popular subculture.....there is a magazine....oh, yes, Bizarre magazine.....Nailheads, they love that shit!  Being into punk, I run into them now and then, and past all of our gear we're all people.....but where is their planet? Like all these techno goth losers, where is your universe?  Seriously, where do you do that thing your people do for lunch?  No, there is nothing about it that is akin to a religion or other clique.....there is no reason to be judged by your uniform.

     Shooot, I love seeing the hateful vegan punk, look at my braces and get all freaked out that I'm at some show that he's at.....being there with my....beliefs, you know, the stuff those fucking skinheads reggae is cool, and punk is cool....and boots are cool....and then you have to start trying to figure out whether you hate actions of criminals or do hate a concept incarnate in some cultural uniform?  Let me post this bit of funny first, I am going to just free write on this because I didn't think this through and it's just forming now.......

      I remember seeing the stickers, then the news footage about them.....the skinheads but neo-Nazi was always used, during the nineties during the Clinton administration, that's when 'skinhead' and 'neo-Nazi' became synonymous in my media world in San Francisco during my teens.  Sunset District Incorporated was the last 'white gang' and now that I think about it, there probably wasn't much even to that jazz.  We were all teen boys picking our social sides and there was plenty of reason for a fourth and third generation Irish kid to not be into hip-hop then and hang with our group of miscreants with our vandalism and shenanigans.

     Plus, b-boys really started to look like shit by the earliest nineties, just sloppily attired with expensive sports gear, true soldier in the army of the totally fucking ignorant. Sports! Flip a coin look at a career total, season average, any part that averages any fucking player and just keep flipping that coin you stupid peasant, keeep flippin' and do the math and you'll get the idea!  You love it because it is a group thrill, a circus!  Team and club sports should be enjoyed for the group celebrating the organization and individual effort, from the village and family upward.  The corporate circus, the university athletic system all of's just show, few are better than pure chance....meaning there is no price discovery....meaning kind of worthless so it should pay for itself and public funds should never support it, ever!  Bring the circus home, it will put some hard working boys to the mill and tannery.

    When I really started to correspond with mods and skinheads mostly online, they were just decent people with genuine principles. There was just that which they wouldn't do and so they would rather it not be suggested or foisted upon them and their family and property.  The bigots, they are bigots, that doesn't really mean much as far as 'skinhead'. In the sixties, there were various youth cults I've found memory of kept alive online, and the skinheads were one that had a truly infectious quality since it's inception.  The Bloods and Crips, The Gangster Disciples and Latin Kings are also youth cults that exist to this day and people don't understand in neighborhoods where the black and grey markets thrive amongst benefit recipients and single mothers in public housing, these are the only archetypes of male power and cultural identity that really matter.  Jazz doesn't matter cuz!  In the states, the steel toe boots and khakis of crip or blood was commonly worn by most youth in my day, work slacks by Dickies, shirts by Ben Davis of the color that most suited who you weren't afraid of.....that was the male uniform if you didn't take shit!  Plus you could work, fight, play and the clothes easily cleaned up.  Skinhead style started out more the utilitarian end of the spectrum and oft-times events allowed for just a change of shirt hence the spotless Ben Sherman or Fred Perry with work jeans, dungarees and boots.  Early photos showed a lot of style and many times simply utilitarian gear, you never knew what life had in store so you had to have just the right clothes.


   People now don't understand really celebrating tradition.  I am a thinker, I can say that, I can gnaw on some pretty heavy stuff, money doesn't matter much to me though I could use some more all the time.  To light candles with saints and the Prince and His Mother upon them makes me smile and I feel a great soft hearted sense of empathy with the tension, rigor, stress and disharmony in peoples' faces and statures.  My teacher taught me too much too soon, and when I see people I know, I know deeply how they hurt, the movement of their frame displays how their hips allow their legs to freely move....betraying the ability for the eyes to properly field the plane of reality and the peripheral vision to open by relaxing the muscles around the eyes, temples and ears.  I know how to move my ears, because of this and other things like local honey and pollen and sniffing flowers regularly I can prevent the reactivity to the high amount of allergines in this valley.  My tradition guides me, with grace for humility is so hard, I can scarcely conceive of how to spell it in my heart so I shine my shoes, read the Greeks, find the works of outstanding gentlemen and scholars that challenge my thoughts, perform the work of The Fist and follow the Path to unbind my heart from my fetters.  I can do this for now because I am free and am the son of one thousand generations of captive people from across the world, only here and now, can I walk fearing no evil.....I don't even have to lock my door.   This is one of the greatest times in the history of humanity and it will end not long from now because it's too much, humans just aren't ready, not many here, it's okay though, they will enslave themselves and the free will find their space....there is a lot of space here and living is more than surviving and the smart people can and will do both.

     Science is a tradition, it is something that no one from Christendom can ever allow the Faith to bludgeon!  Christians are liberated by science.....there is an answer....and what's seems tied to a larger pattern of phenomenal behavior....isn't that sort of the point?  Outside of the known, is a vast expanse and to dive into it is a leap of Faith.....the most vast expanse is the human mind and the depths of the human heart.  Couples that find decades celebrated are surprises because the time seems to fly by....that happiness is work at exploring the depths of a partner's heart and mind, that requires trust and the reciprocation of that is at the pith of Faith, hence the concentration on the coupling process in religion, it was familiar to everyone....especially before houses had rooms....yes, before houses had ROOMS, plural....that must have been just....fascinating times! Thank SCIENCE for figuring out the whole cultivation of wood products, and safe constructions, and lighter manufactured materials....manufactured for an affordable price....thank Heaven and Earth for the bounty! There we go, free writing done I need a shower, I've been working like a man in the pit, and slangin' that cake to the muf'in' peepolz!

Oh, man I dig Thomas Sowell, he just knocks it out of the park, he's done the work and like me once a Leftist.
