Liberals, Leftists and the tendency toward physical weakness, got to go there, sorry.

Sparkyfister responding to ThosePeskyDames on Youtube about their soft hands that don't lift weights....I'm sorry that sports are sexy.....sexist, sports are rather sexist and make girls frustrated, or something.

As a former uninformed and rather different sort of Liberal:

     I can't truly be called conservative because I don't know what such a collective of concepts that term agrees with. Rather recently I have more honest about how I truly don't like the fundamental dishonesty of poor physical appearance and health.  The two are besties easily over half the time. The mind is a part of this and that is key in this equation, when one doesn't train their body to increase in performance over time in some realm of physical skill, the mind weakens and most importantly stagnation occurs in the inner winds, waters, sulphur, mercury, breath etc. I am from a tradition that is supposed to preserve a man until 120 easily if abided in, it is not difficult and with simply sipping from the cup of physical culture I preserve myself as a perpetual twenty to thirty something. This is my Discipline, I put in the time to learn and I know......because once I was weak and frail.

Human frailty

   On my wall is a piece of paper with this written....You will die, Go, Now Do! I will die like my family members have and on my death bed my lament for how little I lived will keep me from concentrating on crossing the River.  I don't have to know if it is true or not, that is how my understanding of the psychology of mortality is and so it causes me to try to do, rather than not do....and not do, when it is the best time to do so....;)  Girevoy is good but I train mostly for my purposes of shaping my power and form, clubs, the mace, medicine ball, these are tools and the physics of them is processed in the mind as one wields the tools.  As with all tools, as the difficulty rises the fine line of using it perfectly, all the forces in your command gives you gnosis of those forces, you have command of the tool, it becomes simply an extension of your mind and power.

    The time people allow their minds to be consumed by entertainment and endless 'education' robs them of time to learn discipline. The real thing, the rewarding thing, not saving for retirement discipline, that is a fruit of a society that has Discipline as a part of daily life. Crossfitters have a Discipline, it is institutional to some degree and it is shaped around the individual in a way that is American at it's pith, this is an improvement on society. The RKC, AKC and TacFit movements, UndergroundGym, PhysicalSubculture and the extensive world of cirque arts have done wonders for American culture embracing science and applying it to physical culture and modern American thought.

    When the world is run by Titans, and you are absconded by institutions run by soft handed, glass backed office workers in office finery, why have Power and Discipline, it's just another bag of tricks, just work for nothing.  This is the way of youth now, only martial arts seems to be holding on and that's soon to gain it's own stigma.  Weight lifting and gymnastics, calisthenics and dance are now steeped in class but that is starting to change as 90s yoga babes are now yoga moms with kids that they don't want growing up and getting neck tats.  These women are organizing, still, mostly for their own purposes and pleasure to have family friendly disciplined physical development regimes.  This won't pan out really, women lifting weights will change America, period, end of story. That is why kettlebell women, gireviks truly are a different breed, few I see online can I really compare too, period.  Many of these women command 50s and 60s with a focus and technique that makes them competitors and me a fan, period.  Most young women know nothing of the world of strength, they know bumper stickers, NPR and their institutional media and education....they have been robbed, so they look to the boys for something lost. The boys have had all semblance of proper male acculturation sapped out of their lives as a cultural norm, institutionalization of some sort or.....whatever, is the other road.

   There is no reason to develop oneself in a world that runs on no Principle at all. Without Principles, humans are worse than rolling stones, they are at all times the menace of potential landslide.

   The Left has embraced physical frailty so as to fight for those who are born with some trial of the physical form or by circumstance, trauma has occurred such that a persons' life is forever changed for the more cumbersome, and, not necessarily worse.  Their life is still sacred, the Right, is the only side with such a Principle in the realm of political philosophy....the Left must always have an open door to the eugenicists because of the lack of agreement on a solid set of secular, moral principles....Principles.

   Yeah, lefties should lift more weights, and start farms, they really want to work on farms they should do more of that. And young liberals should take some P.E. all the time, really, engage your body with many skills, especially dance and physical conditioning of some sort, tai chi is cool but usually that just kinda makes the average liberal a rice king or queen, I know....don't worry, oh, how I know.

   Tired, I should sleep and get in some time in the morning before work. Dieux le Roi! Remember the Bonus Army!
