Philosophy on our State, Taoist axioms on the ideal State, Lew Rockwell....yeah, from Mises....learn to love their accuracy while you live under the boot.

Philosopher Stefan Molyneux posted this about the President's speech. Even when I voted waaay back for Obama....I kept telling people that his speeches are remarkably nationalist in an inclusive way that uses language in an interesting way.  Oh, well, I had said to some other people waaaay back that if I was an extremist nut I would want Bush to win over Gore, but I'm just a dishwasher....what the fuck do I know?

I like the Tao Te Ching or the Classic on the Way and Integrity by the Old Master....

Let there be a small state with few people in it,
where military weapons get no use;
let the people view solemnly the idea of death
and they will banish the thought of ever moving away:
They may have carts and boats
but there will be no NEED to ride in them;
they may have armor and weapons
but they will never NEED to display them.
Let the people go back to tying knots for record-keeping;
let their food be savory;
their clothing beautiful;
their customs pleasurable;
their homes secure.
Though they may gaze across at a neighbor's holdings
and hear the sounds of it's dogs and chickens,
they will not bother them, coming and going.
They will die of happy old age.

This montage is well done, the music is far from my liking but nobody that makes these kind of videos likes manly ass soul music or old rock, like the Sonics.....whatever happened to just some good bit of The Sonics? Oh well, here we are this is something I like, men standing up for the real issue of men being treated like utilities.

The Government is supposed to be the people, it is not a representative power of the united voice of the people.....grow up, it's time for a better thing, not a bigger thing.
