Young man do not Fear, Know, the End of Western Civilization, the Demographic Winter, the Vendee Massacre and Bonus Army. Thoughts from the Imperial Dishpit! keep me close company and you are a cold comfort, cold soup, bitter cold tea, fear is an abandoned house in Winter's grip such that when you sit upon the preserved cushions in a most lush parlor a crackling is all that emotes it's nature, oh are not real.  Heaven guard my weak heart from fear for courage is what I need because of what I now know.

The End of Western Civilization

     Young men  in America and Canada, well all subjects of the crown should understand that they are seeing a great crest, like none other witnessed by your ancestors oh brothers we have climbed gloriously to this point.  Oh, but all that which could have been achieved....

  The French Republic warped permanently the development of their Republic with the Vendee Massacre.

  The United States betrayed it's creed, kith and kin when it fired on the Bonus Army, and with that action, all of Western Civilization was rent.

  This came up three years ago when a former sniper told me that to understand everything now, one must start at WW1, that's when it all started to come unraveled.

 The Great Fear, is a thing, it can hunt a man, it understands a man's movement and motivations, it's claws and teeth are design to crush and tear like the Bandersnatch, the Jub Jub Bird, Kerebus or a, the Fear is here and it is waiting to be launched, once it is, that's it....that is the end.

   The Fear is a drone with biological and chemical agents....once one is successful the result will take little time for the report to spread.....and then it's over, all allegiances will shift, the Terror, the mind that strikes with no soul, the silent flying Spirit of Death can be sent anywhere!  Field combat will be done, it will be up to machines and vehicular combat will be like asking to have your units cooked alive in their Humvees and tanks while robots lace them with depleted uranium at an accuracy calculable with the cold heart of an algorithm.

   Now, oh now, I have to say, there is only so many ways that beautiful Time has revealed to me my hope, desperate, desperate that the women will see it, they will see that it is a trap, a trap that they have sat comfortably in thinking it was a luxurious life in the Empire.  For surely, we will come up with a way to deal with the tremendous amounts of personal debt that women are in....being men are earning less and becoming less able to even get credit, women and their future career in.....? Yes, that will definitely pay off their debt, then they can save for a house! To raise the one child they might never have! Well, no matter debt or not, plenty of young women have sweet ink, a crazy hat, ugly shoes and a dog!  Not much of a library but probably plenty of movies and a dog, yeah!

   The other outcome is darker, it is tougher and I don't know if I'll have the energy....and I will give thanks if I have not the liberty but to choose this latter course to navigate.....rebellion, war like Lord Terror said, War!  They will eat sons, these women will bewildered kiss their sons goodbye, most young men will vanish into the hinter land, into the hills! Old veterans, older people that need young hands will gladly keep them busy, but the best and brightest will vanish until the last of the middle class and intact families send their dutiful sons to the last War.

    There is this that does make me feel a sense of sunshine, the brilliant will shine!  Those of my generation and older that are working together, possibly without any concord or commune, they move toward a goal of thwarting great and malevolent power of salesmen, hucksters, pundits, celebrities and politicos.  They want real business, a chance again for big ideas to flourish without the goddamn ninnies of some bureau or another, some advocate that has a nose for tort, a wizened judicial potentate that helps protect cartels rather than enforcing principled justice.  When they strike, they will have to strike hard!

    China isn't a problem, not really, because they have their own real issues of population and pollution that will keep their hands tied for another decade.  They simply will have to restructure how they get things done, now how that looks at the finish line....ooh, that could be a whole new kind of State in all the worst, Chung Kuo, not bad sci-fi.

Yes, if you haven't read these books: Isaac Asimoff's Foundation and the series, George Herbert's Dune series, Chung-Kuo the series, The Okinawa book on health you can have, 70 Stanzas of Nagarjuna, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite by Albert Pike, the Art of Manliness....that's a must have just to thumb through, Tao Te Ching....the Ma Wang Dui manuscripts the most recently found version from the Horse King's tomb....Victor H. Mair has a great translation.  The Orthodox Way by Fr. Ware....if you want to understand Christianity at the event horizon of esoteric practice, it's brilliant and pithy. Das Energi is a good book, it's an odd one, good if you haven't quite woken up yet.

  Young men should know that the Socialists are using the Feminists to weaken both men and women so that truly malevolent control freaks can tell everyone to jump until they come back in the room.  Pensive and whiny with a false sense of ease....I notice this about young men of this time....and physically inferior doesn't begin to describe it....body dumb as fuck.  Weight isn't hefted and carried by sloppy stanced, saggy pants mouth breathers for very long, stupid backs give.  Right now, I don't work as hard as I could but I prefer complicated physical labor, I just work around people that will never be on a warehouse floor.  Somewhere, some time they did this or that, sheeeiiiit, unload trucks to begin your day you fops....I don't say it, and now I no longer have a reason to think it.  Now I know.....

   Sanger, the Planned Parenthood eugenicist, Steinem, payed by the CIA wouldn't even have been famous if it weren't for them, Bernayz and the Smoking Suffragettes.....100 years of history that will end, possibly to be permanently forgotten because there won't be descendants. Yes, no one is having children, by 2050 it will painfully obvious how few people there are. doesn't matter.....we will stand, we men will stand our ground because humanity will need....all debts and debtors are forgiven, we'll all break bread and live simply for a long time as we bury our old relatives.  People will come back to the Book again, they will want a Word, something to help ease the pain and confusion because Feminism won't help when the hands that held you in swaddling can't raise a cup, oh, you will all learn loss.....I've been there, I've done it and like a frosty fog on my cheeks, like the salt air of Ocean Beach the memory is clear....the tongue that taught me the expanses of the world's knowledge frozen black in my beloved father's face.....all will know this pain.  Humanity will be humbled by loss. Just I will diminish one day, like the Sun in the all my anger, this glorious burning.....I should save that for a real battle against Evil.
