Keiser Report: PRISM, SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, etc. Copyright Prostitutes! (E456) and thoughts on elite deviance.

    Today in the dish pit I was thinking about why I haven't tried to take a long read of the screeds online about the 'exposee' that the government has secrets and an agenda that can easily be construed as hostile to civilian liberty and alienate our rights.  I read through Judge and Provost section of Morals and Dogma, and around there he discusses the Nation. Davis Aurini's argument that people need a 'thing', Molyneux probably would put it as a concept or even agree to egregoire....thought structure or thought entity something like that.....a 'thing' that makes the state a place while the Nation a People.  I have found I must agree a bit with this.

    I have a very scary nationalist streak, I sort of.....don't care about people in other places, I know I don't because for the most part....I can't, I am not there, I do not understand in any way other than through anecdote and possibly propaganda what the events are in other States.  To a great extent, I figure people for the most part agree to their community's enslavement, they don't become a thorn in the side through making participation in their society extremely ritualistic. In the West, we understand the Middle East and their progeny, the European Hebrews in this way, to some degree the gypsies and travelers as well. You must know their way to be a part of any of their doings, they will get by without your economy. Black America was actually quite like this until desegregation and I am coming to feel that the red stripe introduced by the academics, and good on them for taking on the cause wholeheartedly, has caused a skewing of 'opportunity' versus....well, this rather dysfunctional society called Black America.  Since most of the women have given up tradition and high culture, the men have stayed boys, except for Sundays, when you put on your best threads for the Lord! All this association with the Old South dumbass black people have on the West Coast is a bunch of baloney, you aren't country you soft fucks, stop it. Californians are now becoming their own creature different than their closest neighbors and it can be heard in their speech and their sense of pride in not being from where ever you encounter them that isn't that sunny sock shaped thing on a map!  A casualness, low mindedness, duplicity and lack of understanding of the Unity of things, the universality of true principles, this what California is at it's pith and the power of that over ethnic minorities, and the export of it through Hollywood and L.A. music industry monsters......we are left shame faced that the future will look back upon these works.

    Pike makes mention of duty to the country and conscription seems to be a heavy weight upon men in his day worldwide, like Marx and Nietzche, we know warlords are a personality type and they will always be a bit immoral and coercive.  Eisenhower plagued by anger, the degrees did him well but don't forget the Bonus Army, without that success, like Mi Lai for Powell, they wouldn't have achieved the heights of State power they had.  Someone must be the villain, we had no reason to drop the bomb on Japan, and we know this now, we know that Pearl Harbor didn't need to have happened, it was all Washington D.C. the seat of State power....and now we know.  Am I, or my godless generation, anarchistic and shuffle shoed to become Provost over the history left to us because now we know that not a generation in the West has looked back and used the Scales to truly weigh the faults of our sires?

    Crime, oh crime and power, and those that are more than willing to use florid language to excuse it, I am still observant of this moral problem. Bodhidharma says that even a butcher can become a buddha, and I know why Molyneux argues what he does about our magic thinking about the 'soul'. This too is something I am finding my point of view seems to not find a harbor for.  Christianity is still quite stuck in Low Church thinking, that is an Aurinism, heavily even with the psychology of the Fourth Way and other schools of Western psychological methodology, even with the Freemasonic and Rosicrucian traditions, the West is mire in magical thinking and hand waving Christian rock ceremonies that I think do quite an injustice to the many layers of the Faith. The Faith, if you know why 22 and 7 are important to humans then you get it and if that connects to some metaphysical structure that in the material form becomes the universe, well you have the Faith, there is a unity, if you can't shake a visceral feeling about that, you don't have it. And that's cool. Just don't coerce people and don't deceive people, because now we know how destructive that is for all involved.  Modern Christianity requires now a psychological movement within it, a number of methods that people can use reason and tap into the power of emotion over their thoughts and align them toward the greatest good for themselves and others. All this "J" word all need to stop it, show some respect and use a title for our Master and King, ugh. I speak of the Anointed Redeemer because that is how all men understand the tradition, and soon with Mid-Summer the celebration of the fullness of life the whole hemisphere will join in the tradition because that is what is written in our cells to do.  Compassion is written on our hearts by Creation, I want to believe this, I now know better, compassion must be developed by first sympathy as children and then as empathy in our adolescence.  Yes, a Higher Church culture......think I'll bring it! Still have a lot I am studying though but everyday I see something I've said has shook them....hopefully shook them free of their bindings rather than shake them up.  Well, keep shakin'!
