A comparison of the Sefir Yetzirah and the Pearl of Great Price by the Backyard Freemason
This man is really nice, truly a mason if ever there was one. I fear for the Craft, because men are not rewarded for being gentlemen so we won't be and society is crumbling because of it. The 'integrity' the 'Ma'at', that female aspect evidenced in the Judge....Ruth was it....oh, I should know my scripture if I attempt to cite it. Well, the Integrity that is key to feminine virtue in the understanding of the literate, not just modern but literate, civilized West, is that which men's virtue is weighed against by Heaven. Being Virtue is based on the term to be male, based off 'arete' to have purpose, like the Hindus have Dharma rooted out of 'duty'....same language root, serious, fascinating stuff.....men's lives are weighed by the Arbiter, by the Lord of Heaven in ratio to Integrity herself. To not know Integrity in the temporal world, this hook up culture nonsense, never knowing if she is really on your team.....any feminist leaning dummy that reads this....so men can just...cheat, right? Because women just want to sleep with random liars and cheats, right? No, by the rules of Nature, women can get sex at the wink of an eye.....when the best are corrupted....how does that saying go?
This cat rocks, he burps smarter than I wake up most days.
Watch the whole four part series on this, it is magnificent, it gets into the Hebrew and parallels to being raised to the third degree, just magnificent.
This cat rocks, he burps smarter than I wake up most days.
Watch the whole four part series on this, it is magnificent, it gets into the Hebrew and parallels to being raised to the third degree, just magnificent.
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