Aurini on the Futility of Arguing with Feminists-and me ranting after work.

     Thom Hartmann brought up years ago on his radio show that in a study on the amygdala, really I'm still spelling this's late, that conservatives have higher levels of fear and liberals feel more 'open' to new experiences. At the time, still wanting to be left but not understanding why I sort of hate them....well, I didn't look at it from the other direction.

    I was taught a lot about hurting humans by my teacher, a lot, very efficient things most people have seen in a movie or terrible display of gore in the media. My upbringing with youth violence so ever present, it made me wary, I had to know the score or die or get taken. All my life has been trying to find out the score, why, why is it like this?  That's fear, in my time studying Buddhism and especially Taoism, fear....oh, fear is the thing that will age one....if they don't get Power. This is a part of the alchemical methods I learned, transmuting fear into willpower and enriching the kidneys, with kidneys enriched and cared for they have the density of feminine to help draw air through the crystalline lattice of the lung....delicate like ice crystals the lung draws the water from the air and purifies sending it's force to enliven the impetus and make us brave. When the kidney hasn't the cold power to pull the air through the cave of the lung, the blood suffers because heat builds and waste as no purity from heavens winds sanctifies it's flow.  The blood congeals eventually causing stoppages here and there throughout it's system and waste can't be properly cleansed from lymph bloating the body as it fights it's own fluid....the glands will inevitably fail, the seven churches so the spirit power entering the skull enlightening the seats of royalty, the brain's glands....this all tumbles causing dementia, forgetfulness, fits of rage, for the worldly imperator the heart must have it's connection to heaven through the support of the seven churches. As indicated when the system starts to fail like a government it must be managed wisely....this is the human form, like an ancient kingdom it operates in the six directions, it is sacrosanct, the body is Heaven wrapped in Earth's attire, Americans now greatly underestimate the power of their form for they are never taught to master it. Not just fighting, grace, kallos sthenos, ardor, fasting, concentration, breath control.....these are the joys, to rule yourself....imagine, dying....just leaving, try it. Try to leave, face your fear, let your breath slow, imagine yourself cold and blue.....He won't take it even if you, only true mastery allows one to leap across the River. And I've only read stories and heard legends of a time when the world was entirely different.

     I wanted to find the Truth, and I have, no militancy, no nation-state, it's me and whoever will stand beside me and say to the mob 'He's right you know!'.  My teacher had a saying 'Principles over Personalities', I attempt dying so as to put that into motion, why wake up wrong tomorrow, kill that which should not stand. It isn't the kind of thinking most people like, but it works for me okay, reality doesn't give, so I should stop what I'm doing and deal with reality. Feminism is one of the many movements, like 'gender and queer theory' that are going to face their comeuppance and from out of nowhere and everywhere.  The Marxists have brought the world to the brink of destruction, they've written a history that turns school children against their neighbors and family, and they have perverted logic leaving mathematics to totter. The Undoing, this is what I theorized when I was a Leftist....'The Undoing', a period of time that America becomes something....different....research took too many years, now it has occurred just like the S. Am. going left to red.....and red becomes either black or brown or grey....killers like dark colors.  Culture will be looked at askance....especially old European traditions....this will create enclaves of 'Raskolniki' types not even Luddites just people that will have their way, damn the commies! The Mormons have already prepared the grounds for this and they will rule when 'The Undoing' starts rolling, they will probably become a banking system....seriously, how else will Masonic charities and funds stay afloat in a world gone mad? Just a theory. Broken amygdala, not seeing the bobcat until it's too late, not me, hopefully!
