Great deadlift video, Fall and Winter are deadlift season for me.

     I am not fond of blazing heat, so the calisthenics of Tactical Gymnastics and Circular Strength are excellent on the dead grass here in Oregon. In Merrills the 'lower gymnastics' style movements are easily done at the height of Sun's arch, three in the afternoon can be punishing here during Summer.  Mornings, especially the eight to ten period is great for kettlebell and clubbell work but I prefer using the clubs indoors often because they are so manageable inside.  The bar, Oh that bar, it has to sit idle for weeks at times and this is a practice I must end. I love deads, that made me love real lifting, my long legs pushing into the Earth....I once was better at them I feel and some movement pattern has tweaked my skill. This is the year, my lower body is going to change as I must stay indoors more, what with the rain coming and all. Stoked, chinning like crazy, chins are the shit, get yourself one of those door frame mount ones, and chin brother, chin.
