What the Christian Men's Movement needs, a model, this is mine for the future of Johannite 'Work'-The Persian Method

     When Scott Sonnon appeared in my internet searches for kettlebells around the early 2000s, I was rather baffled and I have a mind like a spider's web, I never forget odd treasures wrapped up for later.  He mentioned that his interaction with either Czechs or Poles caused him to research the Zurkaneh or Persian House of Strength, linked to the Palavani, hero, traditions of the ancient Indo/Iranian peoples when Mitra, Indra and Shiva were all still a part of their pantheon. My theory is that like most things after WWI the Zurkaneh became a fraternal order connected to the Deep State or some factional political group, like most of the fraternities in the world. After the Iran/Iraq War the cultural power and status of such a group is not what it was, similar to the Freemasons of today in the West. So openly dedicated to the progression of humanity through the most consistent means available for the longest amount of time in the literate West that today, modern, open-minded, literate youth look askance at their antiquated codes, creeds, vows, symbols, and they fear the power of 'knowledge'....Pythagoras is a djinn that haunts their minds....the nightmare of learning mathematics in America plagues a generation or more.  Training my body made my spatial sense change drastically, distance became more and more clear, three dimensional hypothetical thinking became far easier the more I trained.

     The traditional Chinese medicinal system is brilliant and most men should buy a copy of the Nei Jing Su Wen that has modern commentary by a modern acupuncturist and/or OMD an antiquated term but interesting era of scholarship.  To understand the allegories of the body to how the rest of nature behaves is critical to psychological sovereignty. The emotions are like winds that can be controlled and must be so the internal weather is generative and regular, that is how life can be maintained for a very long time.  I don't have to 'believe' this, I am not grey at all and I am 38, I move better than at any time in my life and I am strong as shit, never get sick, I just have a nasty angry streak that I have to work on.....and that's linked to my 'physiogomy' and then it is 'chronic'. Everyone is a unique....terrain and if you balance your elements, you are happy, some men are properly raised so they just do it, the Way is natural in them.....in fact, they don't understand how other people don't get it.  I had to learn a method, I'm very much a 'learner' a 'perfectionist' and after learning a structure I take time to make my own way within it....if I ever get started. So, this is the deal with the Zurkaneh.

Most Americans are unhappy because they don't have 1)Muscle....properly recruiting musculoskeletal system....your posture and motor recruitment are shit giving you super shitty spatial understanding. 2)Rhythm, they listen to very ridiculous music with no subtlety and usually no real vocalists or musicians....garbage culture drivel like electronica, rap, pop, indie....know your blues, bluegrass....real bluegrass, jazz, swing...classical....those people were better than you, face it, you're a barbarian tripping over your own feet at worst or a twerker at best. 3) A Method, A Way, A Lifestyle, whether it is Yoga or some fitness guru's monthly plan or the WOD you need to fill in the other 23 hours and the Way gives one the proper other shit, to study and mull over to put the training together with a clear view of reality......think 'the Academy'. The Kuans and Gymnasia were these places, now school develops workers. I see it, and I think I can change it. Physical Culture, Agricultural education, the Seven Liberal arts and a new Gnostic/Johannite approach to theological training with the latest in Praxeology, Objectivist and Libertarian approaches to modern philosophy......that's got potential.  I have got to sit and do some writing, research similar models and such and network a bit, get others' input.  Just some thoughts, back to my tea.
