Anita Sarkeesian - Online Harassment - The Conference 2013

I am not a gamer, I live with someone that loooooves video games. He should be more interested in real sexy girls and he isn't, he likes games. Leave him alone, women have made it clear that they will not like what he likes....actually wait, I think I have got it! Anita Sarkeesian might hate video games, such as 'video games' in those little quotes referring to the form in 'this universe' that have hot, offensive, over the top caricatures of real-ish humans. She wants something that I think many people, including gamers have already and that would be 'not fun' or 'not good'. Like "How was that movie or cinematic picture?" 'Not good'....we have that, part sit com, part adventure, part mystery/twisting plot/suspense with a touch of gore! No, it's too late for Hollywood, she knows she can't stop porn because it has the largest market of all media on the They aren't sexy enough....wait, Heh, I know, all the women wear outfits that make them look fat chicks in video games as heros. Sorry, I think there is no market for it, bang. How about that, let's cut to the fucking chase, there isn't a market for....well, a cute, sassy, girl in a Cyber Rocket Chair....fucking people up with rockets, and lasers and special moves....that can work.  Noooooo....we know where this will always just be how Chun Li looka lika ho! I think that totally adult rated games should just stop with all this Japanese digitizing, go there and see if the market follows. The honesty, feminists know that if unrestrained sexual perversion moves into's done, they have no public sphere....they have to admit they want into your home, into your mind and they want you, sir, to change! Sound like your crazy ex, yup, the army of KrazyX sent a scout and she got cyber sniped, cyber rocketed, cyber rim fired, cyber napalmed, and generally powned! In fact, if Sarkeesian is a leader in feminism she is now officially General's a rough duty but someone had to take one for the team and become fucking famous, cha fucking ching.
