Concerned Mom: Slutty Girls' Selfies Are Tempting My Perfect Sons-Sounds like a moral Christian mother, oh darn!

Concerned Mom: Slutty Girls' Selfies Are Tempting My Perfect Sons:

'via Blog this'

I've decided  because of RazorBladeKandy's post that I have to be a bit more....complete....legitimate when I post certain things online. This article by Katie J.M. Baker for is a perfect example of how someone that is into feminism, sexual liberation as a political and social concept and libertine sexual morality for young people also has nothing but snark at best toward the Judeo-Christian Tradition. I always love the Left, they don't know that 'shut the fuck up, I have a posse' is how the world has almost always worked with bits of sunshine called 'governance'. 'Governance' at least means you are worth keeping penned in for taxes in stead of being ransacked by bandits.  I know, it's not always Conan but much of history has been the dominance....wait , human existence still is the dominance of sociopaths over enough psychopaths and borderlines to keep the decent, productive individuals moving about the fields and pens. Leftists are feminists and Feminists are Leftists, the two must go hand in hand because there must be a collective of 'Them' who rule and control....and so you can do anything you want to them because they are aggressing the Left with that control. In a nation like ours it takes little analysis that this is obviously the elected political class and much of the pop-culture and media industries....the conglomeration of power naturally attracting sociopaths and borderlines. That is why you get Radical Feminism and it's bending of fundamental biological measuring the heads of Jews and help.....teach little boys mathematics....they just can't stay still and docile without the narcotics! That's who these people really are....women who want to drug little boys, sexually exploit pre-teen males and young men so as to keep them docile and obedient and build them an Empire.  It will be an Empire for the Good though, don't worry about that, because it will be all about the Jezebels, Dvorkins, Butlers and's your the world your titties! Oooh, was that offensive, I'm just trying to keep up with the Party!

    You Statists, Marxists, Feminists and other controlling unthinking assholes will get your Revolution and then you will come begging for the help of real men of True Timber....and our price will be met, count on it!
