In great anticipation of the 20/20 on Friday with Paul Elam on the Men's Rights Movement...I realized some things.

This week at work, two rather feminist women discussed a Women's Gifting Circle with another woman. 

     Woman number three LOOKS like a feminist, blonde dreads and all but NO, she was raised very intelligent, conservative Christian and has stuck it out with her husband through thick and thin and has proven to me....gentlemen, our day has come!  When I pointed out how those of us that think along libertarian lines, praxeology, anti-Marxism are now 'hate'...people or something, her patchouli wafting, she looks into the distance and says "Well, I guess I'm in a hate group!"

    Feminists one and two are already into the Gifting scam and one got a decent payout, so now she's officially a felon, she is probably quite proud in a rebellious kind of way...oh, yeah, I wasn't supposed to know about's a secret among the ladies. Great, yes, women and these soft spoken men....Leftist dupes like I once was....let them invest in these schemes, they are marks and now the real villains are showing their teeth within their 'community'.

     Another female coworker has also come over....and she is one of those black beret, European ex-pats that came here with wild eyed ideas and a penchant for rescuing cats and dogs. She loves her pets and now understand why she hates her government, even she now is preparing for the collapse, reading posts of mine from Mises, Molyneux and Max Keiser.

Gentlemen, ladies....our day has come.

    Now 20/20 will 'investigate' the Men's Rights Movement and the Manosphere and we will be mocked. The beauty is....they don't understand, it doesn't matter, now they know we are here....we aren't r-selective bottom feeders anymore....many of us have shed the fetters of ignorance and we are Titans! The Manosphere is better than the Left, I know I was an ardent Red striped idiot and when I took on the Huns....I ended up becoming a student of their swordplay and horsemanship. To this day my teacher didn't like how unmanly men acted, my father said "Don't be a 'man' about things in life." and my father my God bless his soul, was quite incorrect. He was robbed and abused by my mother and she was a sociopath, not the worst mother and a sociopath. Thank God my paternal grandfather and his wife were there to guide my upbringing, they taught me what nobility is. Maxine Worland taught women how to compete in 'society' competitions so they could join the Southern nobility, yes she trained debutantes. James Donovan Worland was a designer for Landor and General Designs and worked for the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, I was truly blessed I spent the time with him that I did.....I'm glad none of them saw this world as it is now.

     Maxine cautioned me on my anger and when I once read how Eisenhower similarly was cautioned by his mother and the import that played....I decided that I needed to open my heart. That was a year or more ago, I had a vision that felt miraculous and I am never looking back, God touched my mind and broke my ego....the shame I feel for violating what I KNEW was right has changed me. Like squeezing a sponge, years of furious anger keep tainting my words and thoughts, coloring them vermillion, scenting them acrid and stinging to the senses. Anger is like paprika, too much ruins the whole dish. Love for people, for His Kingdom.... I must approach the world with love and a sense of Charity.

    Feminism is just a fancy form of bigotry engaged in by women that know they can't lift fifty pounds repeatedly and men that love them or wish they could just get some attention.....oh, and Socialists that have such a flaccid egos that they stay wrapped in cultural marxist ideology to protect their unclear understanding of the world.  

      I once was a huge fan of Stephanie Miller, Sam Seder, the Young Turks....not big on times I like him but after awhile I just got bored. They were accurate about how many members of the Republican elite were truly megalomaniacal in their support of Bush and Cheney.....Rumsfeld and, really a bunch of just bad characters. Neo-conservatism and neo-liberalism should be mocked and chiseled out of existence but that would require no less than, Libertarianism or Anarcho-Capitalism. That's what I found out when I looked into the ideas of people I disagreed with....I didn't know shit.....and no one wants the average man or woman to know what Libertarianism really is....and whoah, praxeology....that will make you an enemy of the State soon. Feminism being just socialism with breasts relies on men in America begging the Democratic Party for a job.  And the promises will be made, to grow an economy and produce jobs....but that's our job, like civilian citizens....we produce jobs....because we need good and services, that demand creates the necessity for the job to get done.  I have a job because my coworkers can't do it as fast as my muscular body can....period, I watch them and none of them have prepared their bodies and minds for a future of hard labor....I've always understood being part Black American, there is always a hole, a shovel and the option of the welfare line, the street or the clink if you don't like real work!

    Feminists both male and female that have a problem with us in the MRM....don't worry waifs....we know each other, and we know you.....inside, we know what you really are.....

       You think we are intolerable, we know you are soft-handed, faux literati, r-selective hedonists hoping for an easy ride like a desk job....some of you aren't like're just blind are their servant. And most importantly, you are absolutely intolerant because your Utopia can't exist without the elimination of traditional the Tibetans, one of the most conservative nationalities I've ever encountered.  Buddhism is no less conservative than Orthodoxy or Catholicism don't think yourself informed if you disagree with that, just read "The Words of My Perfect Teacher by Patrul Rinpoche" from cover to cover and you'll see. Serve the Benegesserit all you want, they are them and you aren't a woman and one day when you aren't valuable they will throw you out like garbage.  That's why liberals don't really stop wars.....seriously, Democrats are the war party, they never stop it, they always escalate it. Oh, it's because the Democrats don't march in lock step.....sorry, Trix are for kids.....they don't want to end wars, that's how they get paid! Lobby money, speaking engagements, glad handing, book deals....the political class are as bad as the lying red journalists like those at 20/20 that published the print piece on Paul Elam already, more commie dupes.

    Oh yes, COMMIES....because socialist policy is naturally the precursor to fucking definition for the hoes that don't read those they believe in. 

      I read the Bible, I read the Tao Te Ching, I read the Sefir Yetzirah and Dhammapada....because I'm religious and a moralist. It is the Socialists that historically advocated 'gassing' people 'painlessly'....George Bernard Shaw, founder of the Fabian Society. It is the Socialists that started the modern concept of genocidal warfare with the Ukrainian massacre and the rape of Poland by both the Soviet Socialists and the National Socialists. Our form of Socialism is typified by the 'oppression' of liberal white women being forced into colleges that exist in safe urban centers devoid of Black people because they line jail cells for smoking grass....oh, well actually men of all colors. Those are the gulags honey, that's the work camp broham and you will be in one if that precious daughter of Empire lying next to you at night ever decides she wants you locked up. She will never have to prove it in court, you WILL plead out because you are a slave to the boot patrol and the sisterhood of easy livin'!

     My realization.....

     Like all things skinhead, it's about 'us' not 'them' because we are right and strong and we have to believe in ourselves hardcore. They can't keep the show going, male taxable income and labor market value are two factors that no leftist can consider because they hate math and believe one day American women en masse will lift 50 pounds repeatedly at work. That won't happen. Tumblr feminists and their scrawny, Tom's wearing man-girlfriends will be too busy deciding who's up next on the guitar at the kegger when this economy starts to burst into hyperinflation. These students won't survive being sent out to farm the countryside.....well, the young could, old feminists will yield. You will need us and we won't need you all.  It's a.....cognition thing, when the going gets tough, we are the people that don't need a smoke break or a vacation.....we would rather go to sleep knowing we worked hard, you all are HR personnel, typists and ten-key wizards without callouses on your hands so stop it.  Yeah, our day is coming, every time I treat a man like a man who could be a brother I am frequently rewarded with genuine fraternal love.....that gives me authority and integrity....and when they tell me what some stupid trollop has done to mess up their lives....'Let me write down a website for're aren't the first man I've heard this from, there are many others and you know how it is, we aren't allowed to complain, right? If this suits you, it does, if it isn't useful, it's totally cool, I hope things work out'.....Our day has come, we will shake the pillars of your temples Baalim!
