Jordan Peterson on The Necessity of Virtue

This is very good, a key aspect of real, solid, esotericism is that 'virtue' in whatever cultural context is attached to symbols, discursive and non-discursive conceptualization and association with illness and maintenance of vitality. In tai chi chuan, a move that aids say....the lung like Wave Hands Like Clouds which is a sort of slap/forearm manuever to the ventral aspect of the upper body along the platysma and sternoclydomastoid to 'frame out' with a wrestlers contact, boxer's jerking speed and there is a step to reinforce the weight transfer....opponent gets at your whithers, so you slap his head off with the opposite arm while stepping into his grasp fully. It seems weird that when performed it benefits the lung, but that's the tradition and after some you feel the movement cause your lungs to pump back and forth, the intercostals sliding the ribs around on your lungs, it's quite enjoyable. The lung governs courage and is deficient when grief and sobbing are one's state. That's one 'systems' way. The West has it's own from old Greco-European 'humors' that parallel ayurveda in some manner. Anyway, now that modernism has left most cultures at a loss for a framework that 'virtue' is.....real, or atleast something more than niceties or 'tradition', well many cultures here in the States. I say, a new fracturing of culture is nigh and 'virtue' is back and coming back big. No saints or heros in the Cathedral because a true believer is a true believer in that scary way Hoffer saw them.....there is a Secret Church, we recruit all the time through the internet and all we offer is the red pill, from there search the library, do what thou wilt that's all of the law! Von Mises, the Spearhead, Captain Capitalism, Matt Forney, Bernard Chapin, Rocking Mr. E, Stefan Molyneux, Peter Schiff, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, Ann Barnhardt, Tom Condell, Thomas Sowell, Libertarian Realist, Objectivist Tree, Adam Kokesh, Davis Aurini, Karen Straughan, Tommy Sotomayor, Demcad,, Sparkyfister.....I can never remember Mises Canada's name....oh, it is so European you can hear chamber music come on when you watch his interviews....shoot....the red pill world. Barbarossa, Stardusk, Cynical Cynicism, even Amazing Athiest....these all are just the voices actively preaching the good word of the Secret Church and shaking the pillars of the Cathedral. Now, I know, some on that list and the language I'm using don't all go together but this is the year...AMTV....Alex Jones...StormCloudsGathering. Let the sleepers waken! Seder, Hartmann, the Turks, MSNBC...ooh, they purchased the Left....right off the stock....yeah, right off of Wall Street.....ha! Gerald Celente....oh, a most venerable and laudable purveyor of the good word of this most secret of churches. Catacombs and old libraries, that's our hangout because every bar has gotten....weird....and there's work to do....and the Cathedral will keep you busy if you don't work against it. Progress.....integrity is a virtue.
