Male organization, revolution and What as an informed 'Classical Liberal' I didn't understand about reality.

Young men who are liberal, feminist and decent, staying informed can't understand 'Conservatism' but can understand 'conservatives'.

   Last night I found an interesting show on Youtube called "Black Folk Don't" and many of the topics and many of the people interviewed did resonate with me. It did take about three episodes to determine that the folks chosen to be in front of the camera seemed of similar inclination on a number of subjects that I have found, with the help of 'Lion of the Left' Bernie Ward, are usually clustered.  This made me consider the recent, rather public statement on Maddow's show by.....oh, the mixed lady with the adorable lisp and great hair....shoot, I'm just too lazy....she admitted the belief in a rather interesting definition of racism: the having of 'power' to do something about one's bigotries, makes it racist.

Male organization, race, racism and the growth of Republican liberty, not Democracy, liberty with a Republican form of self-governance.

     From Reactionaries to Reds most people deeply distrust the Freemasons, but there are some things that I think most people don't know and then don't add up. One, this video speaks openly about how almost every anti-aristocratic revolution in the Western world, including the Southern Hemisphere, has had key people that practiced the Craft.  Being steeped in Catholic school, a system heavily Jesuit in essence if not energies, I understood what a community could do when they share the same fundamental principles about personal behavior and preference.  Men, loving duty, being bred by innumerable generations of women to become dutiful and therefore useful, must compete until they must organize. At present, the Left, the Progressives, they have many, many men bred for dutifulness but they can't really say why what they are as a group is truly 'moral'. That they should breed more of themselves because of the bright future their organizational structure ensures, multigenerational wealth and prosperity and such like.  This is at the pith of 'Race'. We really base race on the Bible, if you don't like that you can love being one of the five peoples of the Middle Kingdom of the Han or one of the tiers of those descended from the Arya or Utes dependent upon what Northern conquerors sacked your region. The Hebrews were tribes, with so many religions that the origin of the world has to be written more than once and then there are an assortment of progenitors, and commentary, don't get me started on commentary to tie it all do you unite them and who is to do so?

    A couple of freemasons, have been writing books....Uriel's Machine, the Book of Hiram, Turning the Key of Hiram....or something.....very, very easy reads and plenty to go back over with citations.....these books concern, why, why is their organization the way it is, why do they do their rituals what could this all possibly be about.  They point out that astronomy from the earliest times is evidenced to be the key science of humanity, it was the regular passing of non-Earthbound objects that caused humans to understand that shadows cast about a circle could be divided into 366 units, with 12 lunar months, 7 day weeks and from there all one has to do is imagine the slice of the circle has height and you have geometry and the 'megalithic yard'.

    Since reading two of their books I have gathered a bit of a nice Freemasonic library of sorts and have found that we are living in a time when men, especially young men don't have something to organize around.  When men organize they establish astronomical measurement rituals that after their tables and sciences are understood as the norm simply become an antiquated circumambulation. Tarot is festooned with symbols having to do with the birth of Western civilization and evolved within Christendom to become one of the various things knowledgeable and wealthy people fancied, yet the priest would call 'jewry'! Now, the average liberal would figure that the priest spoke for much of the common mind, that's just what people thought but no! How could Spinoza have survived being cast out of the Jewish community, Christians that fancied his new view of the relationship to man to G-d and the State.

    To build a race the Hebrew people when outnumbering the Egyptians in Egypt in the skilled labor sector as admitted by Joseph himself, needed organization but when and why and what for? When Egypt was strong with skilled labor of Sumerian originated tribes that were particularly good at adapting to Egyptian language and concepts, there was no need to organize. It was once the Egyptians found their State to longer be an ethnic Nation things changed.....Knight and Lomas consider the Hyksos, very likely the closest people historically to the Bible story that could be accurate. Moses, another hero name indicating a borrowing from a tribal narrative or something even more elaborate, historically this man would have been what we consider a general trained at the elite most levels of Egyptian society, therefore he must have looked pretty normal to everyone. If Egyptians show different races in imagery, then they must have understood what outside people appeared like and Moses didn't set them off, says a lot about who was sleeping with whom and how normal this immigrant labor group was.  The treasures that Hebrews left with are actually rather well recorded, indicating access to tradeable wealth of the highest tier, gold.  Moses, Huang Di those guys could organize people, to this day only their people speak the language they are credited with as individuals.....that's fucking manly!

     So, when liberals look at the Western tradition, they see it as flawed and want to come up with something that isn't so flawed but don't take on the biological outcome of people that practice similar principles. When reading Torah is important, when writing brush calligraphy is the standard for being called the equivalent of 'person' and your language is based on mathematical permutations represented through sound and symbol and relating back to an in group breed for 'smarts'. The Western languages are based on the numbers 7, 12, 22, 24 and 10 and least heavily so. The import of 'The Trinity' exists to this day as the Hegelian dialectic but firstly 'twas the Egyptians, Hebrews and Greeks that marveled at the idea familiar too to the Indian world as Becoming, Existing and Waxing....past, present and future.....thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Contiguously humans have tried for the better but the liberal won't have it, history has failed THEM! The aleph-bet is not good enough for the child that suckled at it's English cousin our alphabet. For the English as a race have done wrong, to other races but no they are spotless in comparison, so the alphabet is not worthy of such things as adherence, agreement and proper that offends the pith of the liberal, their ego with 'race' at the vanguard conquered. By asking the early Scotsman from the most border regions of the land to say 'ask' rather than 'aks' was to again drive the Anglo-Saxon boot heel into his peoples' neck. Few Black people know they inherited 'Ebonics' from uncivilized Scots and Irish prior to the Freemasons and the Crown organizing the men around the pursuit of knowledge and markets.

     Without the Anglo-Saxons civilizing the wild Gaels and Scots America could never have been built, the entire Western world could simply have not been built because the art of stone masonry is almost unique to the Scots. Anyone, with a problem with that can be inaccurate forever, the Irish, have a capacity with language and memorization that caused them to be some of the most important translators for the Latin Church in history.  Irish Catholics were heavily involved in extending the Faith to Blacks both the indentured Blacks common to the Americas until the 1600s when it became profitable to buy conquered Africans from Muslim traders; from there it's the Irish Catholics and Northeast Anglo Puritans that felt slavery such a terrible thing that it was their duty to educated and serve the flock of slave and free Blacks.  Irish had only recently come out from under the whip themselves, and that was if they had.

    Black Folks Don't ....know how much they share with the Scots-Irish. Do you know what a Mexican looks like? Are you sure, how about Emilio Estevez, in California a generation ago he would be a 'Norteno'....a white Mexican compared to a 'Sureno'.....these were because of time and the movements of skilled labor by necessity and risk. Southern 'rednecks' or the early uncivilized Scots and English simply did what tribal people do when they are competing with an entirely different people, anything the tribe allows that the other people can't stop. Even burning crosses comes from the old country but within less than one hundred years that culture vanished in the UK, maintained in enclaves like the Appalachians, West Pennsylvania and the Deep South. 

  Labor and race, get used to it, progressive. The 'race' is just an outcome of mostly geography but in complex historical storms of circumstance, conquering, being conquered, interbreeding with neighbors as they become more normal and it behooves cross cultural familial ties.....the things known about a people become bred for traits.  Peoples that have concentrated on written language and are used as in between, middle man market groups have a tendency for innate intellectual capacity....Jews are smarter by stat....easy enough.  When there weren't such circumstances to encourage upward mobility that literacy, mathematics, skilled tool manufacture and use cultures languished but probably produce unique say memory for harmony and time, exacting recitation of language-kennings and storytelling, high pain threshhold for whatever reason, unique metabolic anomalies.....other stuff happens just not something, at present aids civilized, modern society as much as innate intelligence or body mass potential.

Democracy and Republicanism

     I was surprised that G. Edward Griffin used my insight or maybe, most likely I got it from him.....Democracy is a lynch mob, dissenters aren't in the mob....Republicanism is the lynch mob, the outsider and between them, hopefully a philosopher with a shotgun! If you think democracy is a good thing research when the French Revolution went horribly wrong......

   I am posting the Ann Barnhardt video because for any liberal she is important to note. She stopped being an investment manager....her own firm, very admirable woman, I wish I was as smart....because as a Christian she can't lie to others and saying that people's money is safe in the stock market is lying by her definition. So, if you think that being anti-abortion, free market and morally duplicitous all go hand in hand check your media programming kiddo, you're a dummy.  The Vendee is about when Catholics objected to the Revolution appointing local priests, yes, the French Revolution loved mixing Church and State! By the end, one image to take away is in Paris, women were known for physically tearing apart aristocrats infants and cooking and eating them. This is not a tall tale at all. 

    Tommy Sotomayor and Black Folks Don't caused me to face something openly admitted by the latter, Black culture is quite matriarchal and the former and stats presented by Stefan Molyneux about violence in America have made me come to wonder if the website Stuff Black People Don't Like is caused by Black matriarchy on heavy doses of feminism. Tupac had to be encouraged by either the the money or attention or both but rap doesn't really pay that well.  Liberals that are white should consider taking those that they disagree with most up on their offer....cite my sources and prove them flawed.

   This won't happen though, the new Right will be spoiling politics sooner than later , with facts and stats and principles, yup lots of fedora for all you do gooders. 

Just some thoughts. 
