Concisely some thoughts about what I 'think' and stuff about getting 'strong'

I really think....

Feminism has become it's own socially acceptable form of bigotry against men, especially older because of how busy older males are in the work place acquiring future feminist/government plunder and boys, because boys are physically, emotionally and psychologically powerless against female moral deviance.

Anti-racism is anti white....I have found that in that culture it is true. Us skinheads are one group, multicultural, into punk but not all about shitting on everything all the time and I found that old punk spoke far more than during my say adult years. Rap also deviated from an in-group pride and sense of felt good, the world was more fun with Biz Markie....industry preferred gangsterism, and that replaced fraternity. 'White' culture or the British law based society of a conglomeration of European immigrants for the first time ever to not be ruled by an aristocracy, there could be worse outcomes for someone like me that has always been 'out-group'. Often, I find Americans are unaware of how minorities in other cultures are treated habitually. What is suffrage when you must face machete wielding gangsters in fatigues on the way there? Voter intimidation, oppression and bullying it all happened here and then someone usually 'white' and quoting the bible or founding fathers pointed out the danger of coercion and mobbery, a republic can't really work with those being acceptable. Overall, this has worked, and now the only thing blacks must fear are young men of their community that are armed and in a coercive mood.....that's a fact, it can be checked a number of ways. 'White' people are not drive by shooting up black neighborhoods, and to keep blacks from voting all white people have to do is run for office....again, check it and live with loving that's your world until it changes.

Technology will not solve humanity's troubles, only self-discipline, technology can be helpful to solution process but you own your brain and emotions.

Changing your sexual organs and all the gay and homosexual stuff all of it, comes down to this for me, I don't have to I? It's not my business, really? Why am I always hearing about your problems then? Marriage is a contract, didn't need to be a church thing, gays could have changed the nature of contract law for all time but noooooo they just made the State more powerful. Biggest thing that is fundamentally unfair and insurance policy should ever, ever, ever help someone change their sex. If why it's unfair isn't obvious on it's face then you dear reader are probably a soft-headed bigot that has a problem with straight people creating functional societies and being the majority because of the decree of Nature.  Your culture will always be 'Gaga culture' praising straight-bi-curious drama queens and elvish waif men as they go from unknown and mediocre to mediocre demi-god of the Cathedral's order of gay culture.  Yeah, just fit in, no one cares who you are fucking, and get over nuclear families work well to keep the species going and progress knowledge and morality.....get over your daddy issues, shit.

The unfortunate admission by Laci Green-Green's assertion about 'objectification' and it weakening women in some intellectual and/or psychosomatic way in her video I,Object brings up something that must be discussed among female athletes and feminists. If strength is based on the individual's capacity to recruit the most number of muscle fibers for any given feat, then it means 'strength' is neuromuscular, as opposed to simply 'size' or 'mass'.  There is a point that until there are more physical fibers, one can't move greater amounts of mass, but max strength isn't the end all and be all of health.  Physical body smarts, like female Crossfitters would have, dancers, gymnasts....when the body is better, it is better and that includes the brain.  The better and more often your brain is exercised in controlling your body and doing high skill movement versus resistance you improve in ways that can now be measured.  American counter culture has bred people that hate the successful and physical prowess is success, so now it is counter culture to praise looking physically weak or unhealthy as normal and see those as physically athletic in build as oddities.  American women suffer from issues of weight like few others, and medically accurately dangerous lifestyle trends, and they take a lot of mental health meds later in life.....they are a fucking mess. They need to do some fucking squats and chins and work all that craziness out, seriously. Feminism is exposing that many women are violent sociopaths by nature and if you don't work that aggression out through a psychosomatic methodology like kung fu, kushti or wrestling or the requisite conditioning for those like yoga or calisthenics and chi gong, they'll be on prozac shortly before menopause and forever and on. She is admitting that maybe, women don't 'prefer' that kind of rigor in great numbers....that is what the numbers say, preference.

Yeah, it's dumping snow here in Eugene, it's about time, the Winter was practically tropical at times, everything has had growth on it since December, only these snow storms have caused any die back. Pssh, Al Gore, g'waaaan!
