Divided Nation: Views from both sides of Kiev's barricades (RT Documentary)

National media is national media, AirAmerica went from nothing, to stocking MSNBC and for the last four years has turned up the volume of left-progressive-liberal news and political satire heavily on-line and deftly.  When I felt that the Left was good, until ever so recently, I felt it was a victory and was waiting for the new BIG ideas. Nothing really, amazing was said, stuff that I rather expected but not....not like stopping a world war we were waging to help take a dent out of our budgetary problems.  You see, the deficit was news with Bush and I was expecting a draw down simply because that was rational, a lot of local forces some UN, touch of Saudi guys standing about, everyone is happy.  Oh, and our fellow neighbors get to live here, in a nice country, that really is capable of living peacefully and have bounty.

    This was my deal, one I didn't like the election versus Gore because I didn't like that there did seem a chicanery that just simply was built into the rules.  And the actions of the DLC were so mysterious and seemingly from on High that I realized they make all the calls, it's top down and that's all.  Now I know a little more and there is not really a problem divvying up power between 'factions' as I believe Jefferson put it.  Oh, no everyone has to argue more, damn debate....I wanted.....action! Then....then I realized what I was thinking......fascere.....to act......with halberd swing and cleave and we shall divvy up the political spoils. Yes, I saw my thoughts and knew how thin a line my 'radical' outcomes would be, if my leftist ideals....ideals.....were implemented as policy.  At some critical point, an invisible group could control other citizens' interpersonal relations through law and wasn't that the point of reforming such laws when they offended all people.  If we want a different set of voting laws and a great debate about that, do it Democrats....NOOOOO, that was for-fucking-gotten. And honestly, voter ID laws, are a problem? Then just simply do it like Oregon, it's beautifully quaint and efficient and they love volunteers but no talk of....politics....that's just not done.  It didn't become national and state electoral reform in a BIG ideas way, it was fighting strange skirmish battles over 'race' this and that.  A lot of issues around 'gay rights' also started to sound odd, some issues were really, just reform of the State's power. Form there, it seemed people didn't get that maybe you just didn't get the job, or apartment, or whatever, that no one has any idea you are gay!  Then all the coming out parties in the press and celebrating weirdos.....because....they had fan base of lots of gay....youth....oh, queer kids.....with their fully formed brains? that in my day we tried to keep from having sex and we all saw the outcome of that massive failure......oh......no. No, young people need to understand harder and the stories about what 'educational' methods became increasingly....well, let's say I don't think there is much double blind anything to queer theory and gender theory and they definitely lost me there.

My father, a true bleeding heart that caused me also to question and he would talk, really discuss, he did make me understand there is a reason people need to make money. He made me understand all problems actually are complicated and there can't be simple answers, we have to really work and my generation would inherit terrible amounts of work to bring about a peaceful and bountiful world.  I really feel he probably would be a libertarian, and really like him some Chomsky if he were still on this side.

    This could be just the KGB getting in my mind again but it also could be the stage most telling of the future, the propaganda war, the warm war.  

     When I recently, like about twenty hours ago was searching for stuff on the Cossacks whipping Pussy Riot, all the American media were nuts about it.  Very little that as in depth as RT had covered Ukraine and they scarcely touched the Pussy Riot footage, seemingly to have obtained it from the one source.  I have to check if there is more, it's just this...is American money going to nationalist Ukrainians and to Pussy Riot...which when doing a twenty minute dive about them, public porn as protest....I can't really find anything that says they are an actual band....like some left wing Monkees?  I don't know, this is all stuff I've got to get acquainted with because this war.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/OCDTP3dYk10?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

AND I DON'T LIKE FUCKING BULLIES!  THIS DID NOT SHOW CONTROL OF THE SITUATION! Supposedly, police were there and just stood by, now this is European culture and I get what is up, once being radicalish I had a nationalist streak because of a romance with "the State" what ever that amorphous concept was at that time in my life.  This is as opposed to 'community' 'oh there's my neighbor' the pizza joint up around the way there, those are things that can be seen, held and are important....especially pizza.  This idea that some ethnic militia is hanging around to stop terrorists doesn't bother me because that's their right there apparently.  Pussy Riot was out of their fucking heads to fuck around with Sochi, you can tell the whole thing has not just their crew but also another crew filming the whole scene.  The hurried pace shows that they knew they would get caught....I don't think they had any idea what the locals felt about their antics....like not in that way that say a cat with a patch on his  jacket going to Sochi with say a Polish military theme to it....he would know that he might get some shit. It's Europe, they kill each other without guns a lot, ass whoopings are quite real over there from what I know.  And so did Pussy Riot, why did they risk it? How much are you willing to face off with some paramilitary cats so you can shoot a video is a land where obviously, an ass whipping is literally equal opportunity?

This is all now the propaganda war, phase two, Syria is a shambles, Russia did something to get Iran rolling along, this is thick folks, after that A.Dugin interview on AlternativeRight.com....wow.
