Peter Schiff Responds To The Daily Show Interview Feedback and General Experience.

Peter Schiff is a Libertarian and he is no bigot!

     If someone wanted to make clear that they want a future shaped by some eugenic dream Youtube totally allows them to do this.  This has been the most interesting part of getting to know the true right, they are mostly, publicly 'white' but does Jewish count as 'white'.....if you are a liberal, go back a sentence about eugenics.....a lot of ideas on the right do and don't mix, and they can live with that. They really can LIVE WITH NOT LIKING EACH OTHER, this I found is not allowed in the Cathedral.  The Daily Show....especially some bits by Samantha Bee specifically use 'likability' in a way I got uncomfortable with. Actors can imitate the bully or the bullied and utilize subtle changes in voice and body language to convey the dominant, receptive or even submissive role in an exchange quite deftly.  When one is around this, it seems over dramatic, feminine, effete and it borders on public, sober, but when you have an editing team helping the actor should be understood to be acting a role, and that is what they as a person do.  Peter Schiff has a confidence that most people don't like, it's just the way a shrunken people have become, spitting vipers, I should know, I was one of these types. Never did I expect to get 'rich' because wealth and property were not really a 'goal', I want to be able to do certain physical and mental feats with ease....those are my goals and that's what I do as a person. When you are focused it's easy to have 'confidence' because what you know, you know and what you don't you understand you'll have to research. Peter Schiff knows labor market economics, that's why he does what he does, and makes money at it, those who he is as a person.....and thank Heaven there are people like him because they are the Dow Jones, the S&P 500, the Nasdaq, they are your investment portfolio, men like him work fucking hard trading and selling interests in donut shops, supply chains for motor vehicles, organic grain farm investment funds, vaporizer pens, Ugg knock-offs and Uggs.....your college fund, line of equity, loan repayment rates....all to make every investor that pays him a little bit more money every day, every year.

    A lot of people think they work very hard, the best way to know....who will know when you never show up again? How consequential are you to the business running at it's finest or the venture you are involved in succeeding? Will anyone know if you are dead or alive? I live for myself, but my heart and mind are bent upon the doings of my people.  America needs a dose of grit in it's gut, some bitter medicine then a long look at the label trying not to wretch on the truth.  With the greatest of intentions, America went from a Republic with bold reprisals for foes and great ambitions for a Land but warfare and banking chicanery entangled us. Liberals don't look back to the Bonus Army and the norms just prior and then after those days, the Gilded Age is a story of immigrant woe, lynching, Jim Crow and progress that only occurred because of the fear of proletariat rising up taking the cannery! Huzzah! it couldn't have been, there was no control, progress, scientific and industrial progress just kept happening, religion was changing every decade drastically, all knowledge was expanding in ways now we can't understand the weight THEN! For every Black person lynched, how many more were educated to a level that would cause them to frown at our present 'literacy'....from the King James and Vulgate they recited, rhetoric and song, indispensable arts that guide one to the sciences were not unknown to 'schooled' Blacks of the late 1800s. Home schooling too, taught indispensable skills all of which required the contemporary level of cognition of any white person otherwise after the Civil War, blacks would have been allowed to drift into the hinterlands and starve if the 'liberal' story of ol' bigot ass America is true and simple.  Oh, if that white folks were just full of mean, wouldn't that make it all easier to explain? Would it? Will humans forget what the West has learned through obtaining the power of a false sun thousands of times over? It seems from Schiff's experience, yes.

As usual, I am just typing....publish and click on.
