SexyMGTOW on the college experience of women splashing around in the deep waters of "morality".

Bred for outcomes.....

    This is an idea that since I was a child, knowing what 'hybrid' meant, knowing I was 'mixed', having that favored, especially by older females (eeewwww, like mom's friends older) I have always been familiar with the idea of breeding.  As a child I took to heart the sense that a Catholic School education was elite and that I knew I was speaking better than many other kids, especially the Black kids but their utter slashing of the language into pieces made them cooler and exotic. Now, I see this is feminist and culturally marxist attempts at breeding a society with no identity other than pleasure, work, the State, political parties....not politics but parties, and fashion and phony culture like the online Left, Katy Perry, the Magnetic Zeroes, Miike Snow, girls that looked like they were attacked by a scifi movie or bedazzler and an entire art school and digitally enhanced Bluegrass....those bands need to be whipped by Cossacks....or roped up by cowboys and have their instruments auctioned off.

     Cultures breed for outcomes, they do and it shows because groups exposed to rewards for literacy will not just climb within a large cultural group, like the Levites and Cohenim but I have found evidence of Tibet having the connection of high monastic position and tribal power and the colonial era shows groups that seek literacy and the labor structures that reward it , rule.  Many of Europe's colonies were run by a minority, an ethnic or religious minority within their own land because that group saw their in was learning another conqueror's language.  They used their skills with language and nuanced negotiation to come to a place of often permanent power.  In San Francisco, I saw cultures that served, watched and emulated thrive, and they were able to preserve their people's national ethnic ways within enclaves unmolested for the most part by authorities.  Humility as Davis MJ Aurini wrote recently has tremendous power to it, and we possibly breed for true humility but often, the epigenetics as Barbarossa has touched on have failed.  We get lower and lower outcomes of groups that are turning their backs on literate society....a society that has touched the planets.....fuck that SON! No, shredding the gnar bro rockin' tha' fuckin' Chili Peppers brah, and NIN and we got down to some Pac you KNOOOOOW?!

   Yes, I know how the Left is.....I was there, in an angry haze, now I'm happy, and I can spread this happiness, the great gladness to isn't you dude. Love your ancestors, love the best our land has made, love the fools for they are your foil, thrive, serve, watch, emulate, celebrate your kith and kin however you do and thrive. Such a way is Virtue, it is simple and maybe a virtuous woman will find you because she is sullied by the company of any other....but don't hold your breath....thrive, do your thing!
