Some thoughts on immigration, first principles and the right, Ukraine...just me and the dishes!

Immigration and the Right Wing as I've seen it so far

     My views are not budging far from anarcho-capitalism probably because I have a tendency toward the theoretical and utopian. This has caused me to attempt to constantly find a way to do dirty, filthy jobs that require physical ardor.  When toiling the mind is allowed to work on making pieces of information universalize into a cogent picture. Recently, I've thought about the experience two of my favorite right wing Youtube celebrities Aurini and Chapin and immigration.  Since leaving California, latino immigration doesn't effect my chances at jobs that heavily, the prevalence of youth does.  For these gentlemen, in major hubs of commerce have to deal with a lot I've left behind.  When I joke to emigres of California to fair Oregon, I am sort, a lie is a lie, I would have just died inside, living there was making me a monster.  I want to believe otherwise but I can feel, it will universalize, something I couldn't know until time passes about living there so long.  I still want to believe in assimilation, I don't have a problem with it, I really never have and tacitly agreed with it all my life living here.  The United States is voluntarily jumping into freedom, many of us were born with the blessing and I's thought about this.

     The problem is that we are being corralled by the Gatekeepers and Goaltenders, cities no longer, technologically speaking, need to be the hubs of commerce.  Though labor hasn't seemed to catch up to the demand of quality output, remotely working in the intellectual fields will become the norm.  Offices within the next ten years simply won't be the same, the model is there, China, the compound, the industrial compound.  To escape this, we need to stop being corralled, this is where immigration comes in and is solved.  Without giant industrial cities that have become more dependent upon service industry jobs keeping the voters happy, MASS immigration isn't justifiable.  When industry is more spread out, say like the old train towns spread far and long across America once. Often these towns were parts of a chain of resources and manufacturing that were interdependent.  When mechanized farming ended the demand for so much of the labor base the economies had no way of adapting and the towns have been abandoned many of them.  Even Eugene has a tendency to lose talent trained at the University of Oregon and Northwest Christian College.  At present, I do run into European high skill immigrants that often seem as if they are staying.  I myself, have found the growing latino community for the most part, traditionalist in the way that shows cultural stability.  I often see couples, they attend churches to the point that they display their Protestant congregations' ideology on their well preserved vehicles. Many are displaying codes of dress not seen outside traditionalist communities,  proper hair, fine collared shirts, fitting jeans with shined leather shoes, fine watches, humble crosses that show....that's fine gold, platinum....they are investing in their present and future.

    Now, will these young men and women become a part of the new right, trying to preserve the North that is free of Federal police rolling over the poor, free of webs of assassins, dealers, snitches and addicts from town to town....a land that their children can know Order? I want to believe they want that, a good portion of the Mexican kids I graduated was a pretty big deal to join the service, they were actually more likely than any other group....yeah, the Asian kids were just on a different track usually.  The right doesn't have shit to say to any group, if you think from first principles and rely on evidence and moral agency to carry your argument, the right seems to just sort of nod. And that's fine, that's volunteerism, the left celebrates every person at the party all the time until there's 'drama'....ooh, it's special people of the unprivileged month and we all have circumambulate around someone's grave and shout for awhile. Whoopdie doo! The right is associated say... with Freemasonry, not just because of ugliness like the Knights of the Golden Circle but because they get things done and their tangential organizations have been effective for over two hundred years in constructing and preserving a Republic.  I firmly believe that latinos will form civic groups ahead of the arrival of community predators to keep them and theirs safe.  But that's belief, and that's based on feeling, I really don't want all this shit about taking back....Aztlan....ridiculous.  The Aztecs were Utes that raided South far enough to stumble on what was left of Mayan civilization. Here's an irony, written Mayan was finally deciphered and is being taught alongside Spanish....yeah, it took three generations of linguists here in the States and Europe but they've given the Maya back their written language.  See what diversity can do! Heh.

   Ukraine I thought this might happen

     Fabian Calvo made a great point about Ukraine....when the president left....just got motherfuckin' ghost like Swayze, he didn't burn anything down....HA, okay I've over used a bad joke about Russian history but yeah....Calvo makes sense.  He didn't leave, the city is lousy with Spetznaz and KGB and the Maidan are going to face the wolves and Russia will be ready and man....imagine if China announced some crippling economic news....6K tonnes of gold or something?  I would do that, I've been right about some stuff, wrong about stuff but from the beginning watching those police just eat shit, boots, rocks, bullets, bombs and they killed what one to fifity?  Armories and federal buildings have been taken by force and the police supposedly sniped one guy?  Does anyone on the American left remember Chicago and Daly?  Watts?  This is some strange shit, these are did that line go....Three things in this world I don't fuck with, God, my mother and motherfucking Ukrainians!  No, from the beginning I thought at some point these guys are going to get mopped up. And that amazing captured moment by RT....oh, you're so good guys, keep it up we're loving the MSNBC-CIA v.RT-KGB battle it's sweet....Poland's man saying they must accept some deal or other or they are dead once martial law is declared which could be happening as I type this.

It's Spring in Eugene, Oregon

    We got a snap but everything is reacting to a change that I know I can feel immediately when it hits. I get energy and want to deadlift and feel really frantic to lift heavy. In the Winter the cold makes me do more movement indoors but once the Spring energy is in the air....I am up, walking at dawn no problem, and ready to work doubles and deads!  I love double fifties right now, my double press is shit though, I need to work that groove some with this slosh pipe like thing.  All right, hit the hay, take care and love your life.

Deux Le Roi!
