The End of the World As We Know It-Why I like watching the 'new right'.

     I have been posting many videos from the new right and while there is no Roman saluting going on, these are white people for white people. My upbringing, in diverse San Francisco schooled me well in the.....leftkult. Yes, LeftKult....I like that, my word, use it, the LeftKult wants derascination, especially many urban and suburban white women, I know, they say it to your face. "One day, we'll all be a shade of brown."....well, okay, I....I really like redheads, that isn't why I am such a fan of Ann Barnhardt but it doesn't hurt a bit. Redheads are genetically rare and usually have a number of coupled features in females that are particularly neotenous and therefore attractive.  I get that it's life experience, the golden mean and deeply bred for patterns that make people value.....VALUE, certain gene pools.  Rare is rare. If white people want to date white people there shouldn't be some stigma, it actually makes sense being they would have sooo much in common.

    LeftKult doesn't ever deal with the open season it is on white kids that is allowable and fashionable post 1970s sit coms in public institutions.  The tendency to ethnically based bullying, even in my day, Catholic or public school, never saw a real openly organized white gang. That kind of thing just wasn't done in that community. The Irishmen as we called them or SDI Sunset District Incorporated, I get the feeling now they were far less a force of racial, right wing terror than working guys doing what whites in San Francisco do, move.  Move to a land where there are front and back yards and maybe even, semi separated houses! LeftKult hasn't dealt with weed being the career of choice of their sires, Starbucks everywhere but dispensaries simply won't take that great of a hold. Or maybe LeftKult will win and the United States will just become downtown Amsterdam, many LeftKultists wouldn't mind that at all.....preferably, libertarians as well shoot.

    The more I really listen to the new right the more I realize what I do love, I love jazz, and Jamaican music, the mod period, reggae and rockabilly, old country, I love the sounds of a time unimaginable now.  I want clap tracks, banjo men, horn sections, house bands, public houses and if it takes some ruffians that will come cuff or cover rather than crackheads with glocks....I'd pack some dusters, lace my boots and live like a man in that world.  Women in this feminist period, era, time, they can cluck away, "We need to coexist, peace bgok, love, bgok, equalitybgooook!" Men don't have to like each other, but a man smart enough to live, knows his betters. There are dozens of men that I could lance with a tanto so fast they would hit the ground bewildered before blacking out but can I convince them 'laissez faire' trade is a win-win?  In the real world, men with powerful minds are rewarded with loyalty from extremely dangerous friends, kith and kin and this being bred into the genes of a survivor, you respect brilliance, you know it's rare and others need it too.

    So many thoughts, Justin Hinds and the Dominoes is always a go to for me but recently I can't stop waking up and playing Walk Like a Man, great stomper of a doo wop tune.
