Voter ID, Black and Right vids, Anti-feminism and Ukraine leak "F*ck the EU"

On 'identification' and suffrage 

Being black, you often find it normal that strangers want some standard document that proves you are you. Since moving to a very white part of the States, Oregon, I realized that this idea is not standard among white people. Often the realities of living in places as small as Harrisburg, Oregon or Rock City, Illinois mean, if you forget your license on your way to the tavern it isn't a problem.  Everyone knows you're of age, you're relatives and friends probably make up some of the attendees for the nightly sip and sup. Dan Joseph makes some great man-on-the-street style interviews to really touch at the pith of American thought and point out the depth and breadth of the Cathedral.

BlackAndRight is an awesome channel on Youtube. 

    This was painful to watch, one, I was once the ultimate marxist Democratic, dick head troll but I knew I should be honest about my thoughts so that I could one day be self-effacing if they changed....huh, when, so for years I've made an electronic trail of statements that would definitely keep me out of office. Two, I so loved hating Huckabee and his full quote was worth quoting for the sake of history.  The Fempocalypse as Karen Straughan of GirlWritesWhat fame and AVFM....fame, infamy, whatever, is a video she posted that encapsulates the idea of our present economic troubles being heavily based on shifting resources to sectors of labor that favored female mental labor.  The trouble is this didn't necessarily mean that anyone, anywhere ever needed an office full of women to do anything more than type, file and make calls.....yes, the collapse of the early 2000s in white collar work was the market telling white feminism, "There is an over supply of your mediocre skills.". That's the Fempocalypse, a thousand dollars of learning that because of inflation will cause only 500 dollars in long term economic growth for society, a net loss....possibly, it's not just women as a group, not all women most certainly. Karen Straughan makes her money!  My employers two sisters, did it the hard way and slowly trained more and more proteges that brought skills to the table and the company shows the rewards for outcomes, loyalty and high quality delicacies.  There is nothing more attractive than a woman that can bring home the bacon with style.  The Fempocalypse is that friend that has lots of experience doing many things....has a dog, running automobile, plenty of exboyfriends, maybe she smokes cigarettes, she knows a good cocktail, a 'Thrifty'....DIYs it up! Yeah, she isn't into church but she gives back to society by 'gifting circles' or holding events to raise money for a friend that wants to move to know, that's societally uplifting charity. Unfortunately, this friend won't make many products or provide desperately needed services with increasing efficiency, and that drop in productivity is covered up with inflation and host of other forms of economic chicanery.  The more I think about the Fempocalypse and the welfare state and the Cathedral, the more I thank God my mother insisted on Catholic school for me as a child. I first went to Jose Ortega and my clearest memories there were negative, a little positive but fighting definitely was a part of that first grade experience. 

    Now, the best part was the end of that video, with Uncle Sugar, ska.....okay, the idea that the US government requiring someone else's money to pay for.....not abstinence, no....birth control pills...not condoms for her to use when necessary, that would be efficient and inexpensive....NO chemical birth control, so she CYAN'T 'AVE MI' PICKNEY BWAI! EH, MI' READY FI' ROCKSTEADY NOW!  Yeah, many ska songs are about the tendency of Jamaican women to have bastard children from rude boys and foreign sailors....hmm, it tends to historically be attached to nuclear family, post WW2 prosperity under the umbrella of Judeo-Christian morality mixed with Orisha's always good to piss all over everyone's tradition when you squat! 

Okay, let me see what else I found interesting, maybe something a little more nice like.

Oh, yeah here is that leaked audio about how the U.S. and U.N. are going to work out a 'deal' in the Ukraine.
