Manly Hall - Golden Verses of Pythagoras 1of6-Thoughts while lifting my imperial weight set! The Alternative Right, The New Right and Men's Rights

Positive and Negative Rights, Individualism and Virtue....and Men versus The Undoing of the West.

     Recently, Bernard Chapin shared a story that was quite alarming and like many stories of crime shared on the website StuffBlackPeopleDon'tLike, Positive Rights have come into my thoughts. Many on the Left and simply of mainstream thought of the day would know this concept as "Twigga wohning, wight wing hate blah, blah coming (plug ears, close eyes, hold breath and or ankles)" just normal post 1965.  Positive rights, for anyone that hasn't dealt with the Right wing refer to going out of one's way to protect groups because of historical biases in public markets, services, legal protections and such like. Even tolerance of terrorizing groups to forcefully leave an area are cited and of course, not without grounds. The issue is now to the Right, why are you all still harping on about being kept out of society, what don't you all know that we supposedly do?

     Magical thinking of the powerless and the confused, the above video is by a very long winded, extremely white man named Manly P Hall. He elucidated on all sorts of occult ideas and concepts in public speeches which was a very popular past time of many, many white Americans. The occult and foreign are fascinating to the very culture of post-Enlightenment Western Christendom and without an over abundance of pale faces chatting the ideas up, most of these with beards...the faces, not the ideas, but huh, even ideas had tough, grizzled beards then! Any literate American can know the secrets of the Pharoahs, Popes and High Priests but is this how technology, art, science and the legacy of a human species that has always suffered for little more than forty years and passed with some hope the next generation can remember? Hardly!

    Know Yourself! Especially if you are gross witted post-modern lily, wilting under the weight of Tradition's scrutiny!

     The Manosphere.....not the low earth orbit strip club.....the online thing....ooops, ssssh.....anyway, the Manosphere for all the journalists to get straight: Is the realm of our real experiences versus society's ideals and fictions about men's lives.....yeah, to admit that an ex had me considering suicide, it took knowing that is just how women are.   The Manosphere are made up of men, that often had fathers with very mainstream ideas, even feminists, actually people citing their parents as liberals and on the quite common come to think of it. This is why I believe Aurini is correct that Men's Rights is truly 'Reactionary' in the sense of feminist and cultural marxist memes and framing of sex roles during our upbringings.  There was nothing as bad as a Reactionary maybe a Radical, in my father's shaping of my mind, making me identifiably a Classical Liberal for the most part, years ago. 

The Circle of Men Discussing 'Virtue'; The Manosphere

     In circles of men, to be identified by your thinking is critical. We live in a society that ideas are more important at times than phenotypic, historic, or ethnic identities and this is increasing since the introduction of the modern Welfare State. The Welfare State, requires a Warfare State to grow and conceal it's expenditures through the Central Bank and Treasury....the Left only disagrees that the Welfare State is of net loss to society as a whole.  The reason why the Left likes the Welfare State is because it is a system by which women can abrogate the labor roles they played throughout the history of developed civilization since the inception of civilization while men had to continue to toil to support such an economic farce.   Poor, dependent women are easy, that's it, since the Roman Empire, handing people bread degrades them.....oh, actually that's Lao Tzu.....yeah, 'Favor is debasing...." Look it up for the scholastic types reading this that think you meditate like a mofo, I'm bookmarking pages dummy!

      The Manosphere is just smarter than most others....that's why we are judgmental and discriminating, and can explain it calmly watching the 'normal' people  get mad. No violence is advocated, just discussion because that's what men do, get the lay of the land, get a tyler in there....and build something based on a solid set of principles, a recommended canon, and utmost respect for voluntary participation. Business requires contracts, society is a convention, the most gossamer of agreements, the most subtle of songs.....from the Cathedral the secret church of the Manosphere is brutishness, Vandals and Gauls waylaying hipsters and sending the footage of their devilishness to budding young damsels to upset them.  Oh, the rivers of America must be choked with the bodies of literate white women seeing the men turn to such Ostrogoths, rejecting neck tattoos, Middle Eastern colonies, a fruitless industrial future and most importantly purchasing some flowers and a ring....mmmmmm?   Oh, hardly, Sarkeesian, Laci Green, Femitheist Divine....Big Red! OH, my kingdom for some more public statements of feminist righteousness from Big Red! 

The Liberals, The Media, The Typical Entertainers, The Academics, The're all a Church, you're just a sick Cathedral.

    The Empire and Feminism are married to each other and we know it because people like Aaron Clarey have proved it, Stefan Molyneux has proved it, Thomas Sowell has proved it, is there a Mises Circle that will justify expanding the female population in the fields they lead in? Doubt it, they would advocate women seek out fields that pay highly with few other female competitors....does, this happen, nope because the Gatekeepers in colleges that think like most people, Freudian, post-Classical, culturally marxist....they love seeing a woman in need, they just can't deal with the fact a higher paying job is a higher paying job....that's why they don't do that job!  Oh, Karen Straughan has a great video called the Fempocalypse and that video definitely outlines the long term ramifications of skewing the economy to accommodate women and the work they demanded rather than the market hiring women with skills that employers demanded....that already existed, look up Phyllis Schlafely or Ayn Rand, both filled a need and were rewarded. Female acquisitiveness is an untouchable subject for all but the men who do math and discuss it....from within the Manosphere looking out and down on the world. What keeps your lives affordable when there is no industrial growth in your State ladies? How long can your mom hold off old age and know, you are.....thinking about're not a monster?

 Feminism will fail, Pussy Riot showed this....they have embraced the State's largesse and proxy violence and it is turned on them quite publicly. This disturbed me but that's why I am into Men's Rights and praxeology and other dangerous ideas....the Cathedral is too busy celebrating itself to over hear our banter!

Dieu Le Roi....I believe last post I got that French incorrect, it plagued my mind, I should check but I am you say? 
