Bitcoin vs. Political Power: The Cryptocurrency Revolution - Stefan Moly...

Hey Sam Seder, yeah he isn't so great.....

This is probably everything a college student needs to get an edge on life, from here, research and don't stop researching. It took him thirty years of crunching away at ideas and beliefs and numbers, facts, history.....Rome wasn't built in a day but wow, to know one of the precise reasons why it collapsed is gold...heh, Gold!

The Progressives and the Liberals on the Left, don't believe in small, precious metal based lending systems, Hartmann will tear himself away from the glorious empire that formed during his childhood and was gutted by expanding the money supply to entertain the Air Force's agenda....and probably the ultra secret organization that formed using Iran-Contra's money, whatever the precursor to that.  That fucking tool and die shop, I tell ya' I'm so done with the biography on the Left. Always with some biography, I get it, once or twice but without the bombast, deck of race cards, now they have 'isms' sexism, ableism, cis-privilege , white privilege....this endless number of tap outs and spotless fucking gi.  When Stefan sums it up this well and succinctly, I am proud to live during such a time, this is a dangerous idea...fuck TEDx....this is a truly dangerous speech and it's time.  Humanity must embrace dancing closely with danger, at arms length looking straight back at us until the music is done.
