In Defense of Paula Deen by Painlessrisen AND my commentary....know your enemy you fops!

Paula Deen is probably not a racist like you want her to be.

      Margaret Sanger is probably closer to a Klan member than Paula Deen, this lady maaaybe is so lilly white and Peachtree Lane that she is a member of the Order of the Eastern Star or was once a Job's Daughter but no.....she ain't a racist like the average 'open minded' left-ender wants her to be.  Paula Deen is an easy target, she probably fucked up being old and said something that she is getting SUED over.....keep in mind, we don't know what happened yet.  Many people on the Left and the general stance of the average 'smart' person of the day is that 1)The justice system is racist and unjust often or 'biased' and therefore 'discriminatory'.....none of these words are used precisely and the same way twice , Thomas Sowell breaks this down very well and uses them to refute the Left beautifully in Applied Economics.....2)When the justice system comes to a finding of racism or rape, it must have been deliberated quite sagaciously, truly bent a great mind until finally they saw how Justice is Served!  

     When facts are presented, when the debate over truth value of witness testimony is rough and tumble, when the character of the people involved is shown during testimony, sometimes in multiple parts and many times, the results are simply the results. Law is Force, and that is all. Justice is....still a mystery to me, it seems a natural outcome when no one is deceptive or coercive....ain't that the trouble though?  Deen hasn't had her day, like Zimmerman, everyone saw someone who is supposedly deeply racist and America became a mob.  Other rational people heard the story, weighed evidence and said it seems Martin got himself shot like hundreds of young men in America.....nameless, except in their neighborhoods. The angry mob looking for Justice is full of shit and they are weak fops that won't do the little things that make uncivilized behavior vanish.  Little details are what counts, it's all the little actions, the way we present ourselves that makes the world think it arrived underdressed and uncouth or not.  In young white America where the feminists are playing up how no female can get Justice because 'rape culture' is more popular than dice, dominoes or break dancing right now, all the fella's are doin' it! No, almost no one is raping women, especially repeatedly, it's just that the mob counts accusations and biography as data.  Convictions, evidence, witness and victim interviews, all this shit doesn't count, because the judges are all rapey too!  None of them vote Democratic or else we would convict the millions of rapist not raping one out of every four women.....yeah, just like all those Whites that are about to rampage.....the evidence in every possibly way isn't there.  And that's the point, nothing says Blacks are oppressed, nothing says women are oppressed, gays hold the culture aloft like baubles and are the archetypal population group pictured in photos of our largest cities. If not gay dudes, very foppish, very 'open minded' looking fops.  No, dirt covered, red brown tanned Scandinavian with a beanie on and his trenching gear on.....those are only the kind of people that build and maintain the cities. 

    The race baiters.....the reds.......the feminists.......the weirdos and fops.......the leftist homosexuals......they have what they want, they have the culture, they have the Institutions for the most part, the responsibility of developing something other than snark and pointing and screaming 'hate crime'.....well that takes real capacity and capability.  I realized years ago that I simply am not very interesting, not enough to waste airwaves or anything.  Journalism was changing so much during my twenties that it proved a field to not go into.  Always, the activists....I never quite got them, they always would wax vain and not really that well, now I know, they didn't get the prior steps to the problem they wanted to solve and they didn't understand who makes money from a social problem. This made me understand they generally were 'marks' they didn't understand the 'game' and I always would be a downer.  I become an encouraging voice when leftist, do your thing, do it well have pride in it and see what careful.  Me, I just lived and worked, I knew young, I should never, ever have Power....ever, it's too tempting.  Power and Institution have been the name of the 'game' during my time on Earth, not 'participation' not mutual exchange, no.....we are like a zombie culture, seeking power and magic solutions for our Purgatorial march Westward.  Activists.....crusaders and narcissists.....

    So, we'll see about doesn't matter, she isn't the racist the left needs, for that you have to look to our allies in the Middle East, oh! Shit.....look at the Maidan, Svoboda and the Right Sector that Kerry and Obama are supporting, pssh! Leftist imbeciles!
