Mixed Dude Writes Race.....

When You're Mixed and Not an Outsider You Probably Don't Like White Folks, When You're Mixed and are a Bit Racist About It You Probably Are Being Attentive:

     Yup, I am mixed and must admit, kind of a racist mostly because 'culture' and 'race' have become so much entwined like betrothed youngsters.  The Five Percent Nation or The Nation of Gods and Earths, or something like that, it might be a longer more formal title....this is the Black, New York, Islamic-ish subculture that is a the pith of the tree of hip hop culture.  Hip hop culture is now a fundament to most popular Black American culture, sure plenty of cats know some jazz now and then but rare soul vinyl is often a White dudes' game.  It's just so, the soul parties I spin are mostly attended by mods and skinheads with a smattering of locals and a very appreciated but small group of eclectic fans.  Every Blue Moon a Black man or Caribbean fellow will say hello and maybe even dance.  I have the fortune of meeting Black men that are mostly tourists here, they are here for school, and they will probably end up in Portland.  They tend to be nerdy and high achievers, there are other Black men in the area I've seen but they simply don't engage me and that's fine.  White Rastas don't engage me much but I get along with Sikhs very nicely, my understand of Dharma has made me a good conversationalist.  

    Millenial Woes wrote about The Savannah and Intelligence or something and there were some very intelligent comments about how populations are incentivized or pressured to breed for skills that are valuable in that environ.  This is something that will really have to be dealt with because Common Core is about to destroy the Black community completely.  Most educated, middle class Black Americans were steeped in the Classic methods of education from the New England region.  Southern schools such as Dunbar and Oberlin were major fonts of Black intellectuals and entrepreneurs now only remembered in February.  The Catholic education of many Blacks especially in the North has been the key to success and the path to knowledge, that method is based not far from the Classical.  Common Core, just it's language methodology is insanity itself, showing not just a disdain for 'Logic' 'Grammar' and 'Rhetoric' but it seems to aim at disabling the Foundation for the establishment of that great Trivium.   Civilization demands the Savannah be put behind, that the Country be forgotten, in America the civilized had opportunity that knowledge was the key to accessing until politicians were able to choke off opportunity through best intentions dictated by the People's Fiat and structured to ruin the Good by silk pockets and empty shirts.  I will not be confused with an alligator hunter, I have dreams for a better day for my State and I am researching how to make it profitable, that, that is OPPORTUNITY....I have TIME to plan, to RESEARCH  all of these requiring books I can afford with a commoner's job, books, and data streams flowing through the ether.  I live as a Caesar with the attentiveness of a housecat but I know what CAN be done and that takes KNOWLEDGE.

Change! Now, You Will Die, Go, Do!

    I didn't really think about the fact this was taped to a wall in my 'gym' room back at the last spot I lived....a visiting DJ mentioned he like that sentiment.  I will die, I must do, now.  I've had few 'visions' most of them, I am mocked by Mahakala for being a foolish mortal that is wasting time, a disrespectful urchin wasting the gifts and thousand generations died to see....GO! NOW! I AM ALWAYS WAITING!  Only once or maybe twice have I had a wonderful, Glorious experience like that.....the King of Hell is always waiting, so keep moving while you are alive.  Change, there is no time for your feelings, you must change, only do what hurts, what makes you want for sweet, warm, soft and dreams.....learn to nap like a soldier, you will adapt, you must, there isn't time.

    I live like a turcopole on caravan, always vigil must be maintained for the Earth is perfect and that's why it can kill us and not the other way around, Dieu le Roi!

    I know as the economy collapses the Black community will just become a shambles and the migration that is being seen toward the South will write a new chapter in the country's history.  It will likely result in Shirow's concept of the Imperial Americana South, very likely an apartheid like place will develop as even more wealthy and educated Blacks live in 'security'.  The slums will be hell on Earth because the South will revert to the South.  Live and let dem' ovah deah' kill each othah', shame ain't it?  Charity won't help a community until the males find some movement to change it all, to 'Stop the World' or as Jack Donovan puts it 'Start the World'.  The Five Percent maybe the only way out for the Black community.  I hoped when I was younger more Black Islamicishy cats would get into Shia Islam, I like Sufis a lot.  It seems that is possible, that Iranian Shia Islam has a large following but it isn't that large, Black Christianity doesn't have the powerful mysticism needed to include the more colorful Rastafarian and Caribbean rituals in a way that can keep youth involved....like Black Churches should research the Orishas or Seven Powers and find how these are used to better understand oneself.  If the ancient Hebrew stories aren't enough use ritual, if ritual isn't enough it then is organizing for adaptation and survival of tenets of the culture.  This is starting to happen, but it is still a niche world....Constellation 52, individuals like A.A. Rashid and SA Neter TV .....they are a beginning flame.  Clarence 13X, Farrakhan....Blacks need someone who is here now to say the uncomfortable things that the community wants to hear.....oh, and Tommy Sotomayor is doing more than enough but it can't be on one man's shoulders.

    Knowledge, discipline and a culture that makes people like to see their own......this has been Undone.  The Black community were the canary in the coal shaft and now Common Core will make White America into Juggaloes.....sorry, just sayin'!

    I've always wanted to meet a nice Black girl like my mom wanted, I really resented that she asked that when she knew I was dating a Chinese girl.  Oh, well, I am a bachelor because I don't want to live any other way really. 

It's Easier To Deal With Your Parents' Issues After They Have Died

     It takes time, and you really can see them and then you....and the space in between.  My parents died before I was in my twenties pretty much and so I didn't know them as any other than a child and teen, my view is certainly jaded.  It is fair I mention that, my spite toward the idiocy of the Baby Boomers is based heavily on not having that connection many have with their parents in the later parts of both their lives.  Then everyone matures together and all reflect on the times they have seen.  I've gotten the idea some like Chapin and Clarey are not so fond of looking back on the life and times of family members favorite past presidents and Oscar nights and such!  I get that, I do.  That's what I've gleaned, I think now how my father explained some things, and he would not like my reactionary turn but would appreciate that it is because I feared such thinking and in trying to slay it found a different land than the lore warned me of.  

   I am seeing the Dark Enlightenment more clearly, this is the Undoing, an idea I had about the end of society as posited by R.Talsorian Games.  First, it would all have to be Undone.  That's cultural marxism, it is the Undoing, feminism Undoing with gasoline and machete, LGBTQ fools with matches and salt looking for marching orders from the Cathedral.  Tumblr is now electric with Cis-gender this and that, Ableism, Headmates and all sorts of psychotic, narcissism that a job involving manual labor wouldn't do anything but improve.  These ignorant dopes need knowledge and people like the Five Percent Nation better figure out these silly culls are on the way to liberate their women even further from the tethers of personal responsibility and reality and morality.  The Black community....they don't know how weird shit can get, and many men that want Black women better start planning, figuring out how to preserve knowledge, discipline and the culture because the Undoing is coming with their freak parade.  The West isn't so bad......read about Islamic slavery, the 'Kush'......the West ain't so bad.
