On Our Matriarchal Socialist Popular Culture-What Made Me React

I didn't agree with Right wing, not at all, I just wanted to cite their sources and prove them the monsters I wanted to believe they were.

     Anyone reading this, that doesn't like the Right wing....the news edits their comments so they sound utterly inhuman, similar tactics are used on the Democratic Party but it doesn't matter. Younger, born in the 70s and on....the Democrats have always run the country....really, by number the Republicans have never, ever, ever had the governing majority, it always has been from mayors to the Presidency mostly the Democratic Party.  The only reason this is important is to understand history, they've never been at a tenuous point, they've never been desperate.....they never pick a losing cause, they know how to get votes.....it is and has always been for the preservation of the Party.  Yup, now that you've read it, you can't unread it.....the Democratic Party is run by people that have never really went through some Humanistic metanoia, no they needed White chicks' votes, so they pushed the Cultural Revolution in the 60s.  Malcolm X and the Panthers taught the government the lesson, that they must recruit moderate 'radicals' like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to keep the smoke and dust in the air during the carnival that is present politics so no one can see how shitty a show they're getting.

    So, straight up, here's where my half-Black ass, living in Eugene, Oregon has to make some shit clear.....the data is showing, the only gun problem in America is young black men shooting other young black men they are familiar with....the data says nothing else.  The data says these men are socialized this way, most likely by their single Black mothers....a group commonly understood from watching any episode of Showtime at the Apollo are notoriously abusive to their children.  It is the story everyone who has lived around poor Black women knows and no one can tell....yeah, the 22 fucking' Fillmoe fa' show....I know what the fuck I've lived!  Every Black male comedian has a bit about getting beaten with objects by their mothers....it is considered normal and moral and racist to criticize.  Yeah, big fucking racist here, so if it's racist....it has something to do with race? Oh, you mean there might be a statistic that points to a tendency of certain ethnic groups to break into violence....or is it culture? I mean, it would be great if we were talking about all the Hindus, Chinese and Turks in America.....but that would be discussing something that doesn't happen, they manage to get along here.....huh, fancy that shit!

    Next, being into Men's Rights doesn't matter, the women don't care because they don't have to and MRAs just need to get this.  It's not the Left, it's all of these single women with their feelings and dreams, one's for cartoon heroes in anime and the other for the sleeping.....yup, pretense and sleepwalking that's American women's lives right now.  Without fail, the smartest women I've ever known, provably are almost always uninformed about 'philosophy' and 'politics' they can't name concepts, parties, famous thinkers worth a damn, they don't know a rational argument and simply can't handle 'no compromise' there is no Truth, nothing can be true.  'Nice' is not 'True' because nice is linked to ignorance, willful or unbeknownst to the ignorant....nice is female popular culture....being nice. Not saying what is true, accurate, having and uncompromising principle.....no, they invent a convolution that those labels could describe if on the correct shelf but really, punishment for violation of the truth, accuracy and principle....that's a man's game.  We suffer the worst physical and mental punishments, generally pay more taxes throughout our lives in comparison to benefit extraction and still when the ladies talk about men, we aren't doing enough. Heh, I love it.

    You don't have to care fellas, actually don't because they can't....want to hear something golden?

    I said early today that I am a confirmed Bachelor, this was dismissed as not finding someone who can mesh with a Taurian.....yeah, totally....I responded, I am too cheap to be likeable. This did get a response that clarified it all.....women like to 'go out sometimes' , 'go to the coast'....Oregon beaches are notoriously beautiful for two hours a year!  Yes, women like you to spend money on them. They don't care about libertarianism, they don't care about economics, Ukraine doesn't mean shit to them.....Gay rights is the only shit in the world that they think is an issue worth voting over.  They really believe that taxes should pay for their medical services....only theirs, no joke, they never think beyond 'stage one' actions in society.  Television, movies, they always know about that, without failure they always know about vapid media bullshit.  They think 'gardening' is.....exercise.....oh, don't even try to discuss with truth and accuracy  about diet and exercise, holy shit, that's why I quite that industry....non-compliance! 

    No, let this 'Mama knows best' mentality keep ruling, thank God the religious are having lots of children because the average American w no idea what 'logic' the actual word describes....unless say they are the ultra-rare, STEM or religious woman.  Usually, that is both put together from my experience.  The fact that Common Core is happening is proof we have possibly wasted billions, to trillions of dollars educating women at all. The majority of primary school teachers are women, with the number of single mothers this is all about an experiment on children being conducted by women or under women's watch and aegis.  The NEA has signed it's own arrest warrant, time will be the judge. Female instructors have proven they are generally unfit to instruct children protected by the power of the union and without competing with private schools and males instructors.  The data is showing this, there isn't some point of view, opinion that trumps the numbers, female teachers are and have been failing the nation for an entire generation now.  

     If you aren't trying to finish a book or three, you probably are anti or aliterate.  While this effects many people I know, I have found this is truly stultifying for women. Many men are involved in jobs that 'physical' skills are actually, mentally difficult, measurement and working with tools and multistage planning of physical work are difficult and in many cases you either get it right or wrong. This has to do with that whole 'spacial understanding', yeah, it's interesting to see in food service who really has experience and who has somehow stayed fed.  I also know many women that do similar types of cognitive and physical work, and it shows but you know a mind that's on and one that isn't....you see it and hear it.  The acknowledgement of 'feeling' and 'feeling' being the force that guides one's decisions are two very different uses of the mind and there is a frightening trend among female journalists and highly educated common women that they are not.  This is why often, rational criticism is lost on the feminist, lost on the culture in general and then in come the White Knights to fight off the Macho horde.

    This blog is going to become more and more dedicated toward exposing the hedonistic, irrational, socialist Left for how broken they are.  

    MGTOWs and MRAs should be proud they what they have seen they can't unsee.....once a man knows about women looking for mates as status symbols because of the tendency toward hypergamy by most, once a man knows that a woman's sexual market value is mainly based on human female neoteny and that is also probably why they cry like children so much and generally are less strong than middle school boys, once a man knows that when men organize they build the pyramids and nations for women and children.....once he knows what it is to be a man, he can accept little else than Glory.  Venture, Glory, Honor, Comraderie.....we are creature of great concepts for we haven't the capacity to bear a human life.....that's that, what are they thinking?  Where are their greatest thinkers on the Left that are saying the State is no more than proxy violence, where is the Left's Mises, CATO....do they have an idea that isn't pedestrian or bent over table snorting rails? 

    I stand for the ultimate Liberation of humans, so I react to these times, as I sip my tea watching the Imperials' debaucheries.
