SCOTUS Strikes Against Affirmative Action

The last words Sam Seder says are great...."You can't solve past racial discrimination, with race conscious decision making".....wait right...?  Well the important part becomes Seder did the Liberal two-step, it's similar to the Fox Trot except you side step YOUR OWN WORDS!

You can't solve past racial discrimination with more racial discrimination!

By the way, where are the Middle Eastern, Chinese and Jewish students during these protests....oh, they are in school....because they come from societies that arrive illiterate and within a generation are on the road to multigenerational wealth through literacy and working like dogs!  I know, I live around many of them, in the most liberal city in the world San Francisco. Sam Seder is well meaning, a true blue do-gooder that's why his incapacity to read Thomas Sowell and think critically about libertarian arguments is so dangerous.  But sheeeiiiit, it gets him paid and keeps him good with his network....because Jews are specifically good at becoming quite good in various industries through an ethnic network of trust. Not everyone does this, Black people for instance thrive in individualistic fields, such as athletics and entertainment....there is only one Richard Pryor or Dick Gregory or Red Fox.  Post the War on Poverty Black America's ability to keep up networks of mutual benefit and trust collapsed because of the deincentivizing and unholy power of welfare, no-fault divorce, CIA drugs and marxist garbage making an up and coming, patriarchal society devolve into the matriarchy and paternalism of today, gangsters' paradise!

   Black people should apply to Black colleges more if they feel they aren't getting the proper treatment at 'White' schools.  Vote with your money, go to your junior college and do other online learning courses for credit or not.  It turns out that's the secret of many.....White men....ssshh, I actually talk to them and they can't go to school they are saving their money and time.  Try that, it could work....people used to do that, back in the day, like the nineties, eighties...umm, sixties yeah, then too lots of Blacks at CCSF....huge deal, changed history.....oh, well.  Why, know shit?! A motha' fucka' got a complaint up in here, motha' fucka'! Cicero, whiners.
