Short reading list of late and how I am forming a very dangerous understanding of post-WW1 Earth.

      My background in Ryukyu Kenpo and internal boxing styles was paralleled with study in Traditional Chinese Medicine  back in my early twenties, studying with Guy Galbreath and his wife Melissa Rubin.  The idea of being let in on a way of understanding the Universe in terms outside of the norm of the day, yet describing the very real phenomenon, didn't quite mean much until recently.  I thought everyone had access to mysticism and a system of it, whether it had a physical method of self-preservation or not....I've lived on a theory these ideas are absolutely normal.

    Occult America, I believe that is the book, discussed that Americans had always been intensely interested in secret understandings of the workings of the cosmos, of nature, how Enoch walked with God and such like.....the secrets Moses brought with him from Egypt.  Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Alchemy, Primitive Christianity and Eastern and Ancient Churches....I've double my library with these interests as of late.  Many books are interesting and wonderful, some very Holy and they shake my soul and I realize my collection might be a big part of the point  of me just going my own way.  My thoughts move to Foundation by Asimov, preparing for a time when things will be forgotten maybe lost.

Where did Phonics go?

    I have searched for things lost even since my time, when once I heard a fellow youth of San Francisco of six years my junior respond vacantly at the name 'South Africa' 'Apartheid' and 'Mandela'....she had little if any idea of recent international history.  Recently, I have come to realize the English language is no longer instructed using phonics and then teaching how those bits and pieces are parts of former languages we've inherited.  I realized then, that is Catholic school's method, that was the strength and I thanked Heaven but it doesn't matter if a generation or more has been robbed of this fundamental way of understanding thought in it's discursive aspects.  Many people of the leisure class West, "working class" or not educated in their youth rather than sent to work in a field or under a bovine....the leisure class tends to think discursively, with words as anxiety becomes the norm from parental laxity.  Many though, don't and tend toward a deeper power of thought and they just know answers....they don't necessarily know how to explain it.  The feminine discursive power of their mind isn't the same as others, these people excel in mathematics ALL their as adults, for money.  Intellectualism breeds strange parenting methods, laxity, libertine sexual norms and other violations of logical off shoots of natural evolution established norms that produce strong individuals in society.  I will admit, Stefan Molyneux and others of that world of healthy childrearing , Dayna Martin, these folks are shooting for the stars and it will take generations to get that movement viral.  We weren't doing terribly here, we forgot, technology and leisure caused many Americans to forget the gritty power of the human spirit. I won't.

     I found a copy of Secret Practices of Sufi Freemasons-The Islamic Teachings at the Heart of Alchemy the author is Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff and the translation and introduction by Stephen E. Flowers,Ph.D. and I've gotten through a decent first third.  There are aspects of it that I can't figure out that remind me very much of True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order by Paul Foster Case and Sebottendorff does write that Rosicrucianism is some form of alchemy derived from the Bekhtashi Sufis of Turkey.  I had hit Turkey a number of times through different research and always stopped there.  Even with everything I know and thought I knew I didn't know dick about the Middle East and the Islamic world what so ever.  John Loftus, the Templars, the Janissaries.....Turkey and some form of structure of secret societies in the Middle East, that's where everything leads.

     I have now found that mysticism introduced so that it doesn't have a type of 'miraculous' altruism....say, for the sake of 'God' 'Shiva' 'Lao Tzu'...oh, yeah, people venerate Lao Tzu, Laoists, it's a type of Taoism, look it up.....a mysticism without "religion" and sacrificial intention builds will.  It builds a Saturnal, terrible power like lead, heavy and eventually poisonous.  This is what the Thule apparently stripped from their Bekhtashi initiation that von Sebottendorff spread to the inner cabal of the Third Reich. This is oddly paralleled with the quoting of Hitler that Islam was the only religion he respected and Muhammed the only prophet of like a good Nietzche or Shoepenhauer fan....the Will is the thing needed in this age!

     Mysticism of the Asiatic sort seems to frame itself within either ecstatic religion or martial practice and conditioning....the Tekkes of the Sufis or the Zurkaneh of the Palevan.  Both of these seem related to Mithraism, the Mitraeum were favored by the Roman army. I think there is something various ages of men need in organizations and the powerful understanding they are founded upon that they CONSERVE.

    Many people fear the mystical practices of the Freemasons, and from everything that they write and have written, old books, piles of them....they don't know either....remember they had to pay lecturers, to train, buggy, horse and carriage travel from lodge to lodge introducing ideas never known.  People had some knowledge of Greece, or ancient Rome, books, literacy it took this being important and the lodges made that a thing, causing 'societies' to spring up everywhere such that reading became a thing authorities watched for.  Most of what I am finding is that they have a remarkable foundation of rituals that are based on some very old system of understanding the traveling of the Sun, Moon and Venus and a variety of symbols that had such mathematical and zodiacal import in the West generally they never faded.

       Goals, the goals it seems of any men in any age, more and better, and let me go home in peace, brother....for the majority of 'Freemasons' throughout time. At this point, it should be said, the Rosicrucians published publicly in Tubingen before the Freemasons came out as a publicly known group. Yet, the Fama of the Rosicrucians leads on to believe they are aware of MANY secret societies that they want to step forward.  The most important in my theory, were the most persecuted and looked at askance for their differences, Jewish Kabbalah and alchemy from prior to the ejection from Spain, and remnants of Moorish alchemy Christianized secretly.  As in philosophy and history, the scientists won and the Royal Society of Science has a youtube channel.

  The aristocrats.....well, there, you can chart it, there is history about Enlightenment era aristocrats that got into very.....'willfull' mysticism and some of it actually simply to bridge cultural gaps.  For example, the Bavarian Illuminati only is well known about's well known about, it was exposed and many members were tried for their secret 'agendas' and such like.  With the Scottish-Prussian and Scottish-Polish relationships that eventually develop I believe that much of the Scottish tradition of mysticism met with the Germans and there is openly understood overtures and successful recruiting among the Russian nobility into the Lodges.  To this day there is some Appendant body to the Royal Arch governed from England that uses a beautiful purple Eastern Cross and the story publicly has something to do with Russian nobility is my recollection.

    People have needed organizing for the development of ideas that they don't trust others with.

   Islam and fascism have ties too comfortable to deny any longer and for the West to keep getting more snuggly, the Muslim Brotherhood and it's many branches have to start discussing their roots in fascism back when it was the new black, and why the Jews?  Why can't they just produce?  Why more hijabs....why more beards.....why isn't 'hostility' toward the Islamic world by the West not actually causing them to say......move elsewhere?

I am realizing, it was good to start with Taoism.....there are no conspiracies, only cycles, and if one can alter seemingly unalterable factors humans can alter cycles.....but there is a larger clock.....most of us don't know about it.

    With no doubt, I think only now are old systems in their death throes pointing at the economists on Youtube and saying "See....that, that is what I am trying to tell you." and then they poop and gasp!

    The old systems must be remembered though, phonics must return, the abicus, learning the Three alphabets Hebrew, Greek, and Latin/English, the great Septenary of Knowledge....gymnastics and wrestling as physical culture.

   Thomas Sowell is a hard working man and one of the most important writers in the history of the United States of America.  There are many, many writers that need to be set down, shelved, let collect motes for even one essay from Black Rednecks, White Liberals.

    The Dark Enlightenment, it is....painful....if they don't understand politics, economics, can they really vote?  It's more like guessing or betting....gambling....that's democracy.
