Checking My Privilege | FrontPage Magazine-Tal Fortgang, Milo from the Descendents & Sam Seder and Leftist bigot can shove it!

Checking My Privilege | FrontPage Magazine

      Tal Fortgang has nothing to get checked, if people are too lazy to debate your views, they are victims admitting defeat by saying "Check Your Privilege".  Sam Seder and his Justin Beiber haircut having bigot stand-in, some high voicer that hasn't seen the tough side of a tofu patty, glass backed fop....these cats don't know their logical arguments, they can't quote Adam Smith, Rothbard, Hayek, even EF Schumacher. They are weaklings that are pussy begging the Left all day to piss all over the Western tradition.  Apologists for Empire, no, these unproductive waifs need the nineteenth century back.  They need to prove they can stack brick, buck bales, till Oregon that's still mostly a White man's job....we call them Mennonites.

Mr. Fortgang, good on you, no one should shut you up with a line like "Check Your Privilege".....and really why doesn't the Left be honest and just say it....Honkey, or Jew, or Papist, or Taig, or Mic, or Paddy, or Redneck.....just add the epithet on there, be honest. 

     You're anti-European bigots. You hate that they used the wheel and gunpowder and mathematics better than you're ancestors.  Too bad, you're alive, live....but you won't because you're hot running water.....yeah, the Romans borrowed that idea from the Greeks that borrowed it from the Tyrian Phoenicians.  Europeans remembered that, they are the ones that have made sure to preserve Stonehenge, Newgrange and the Pyramids.....look it up, that's shit loads of European wealth keeping the Wailing Wall intact. Motherfuckers!

Sam Seder and Leftist bigots.....time will show them out.  

      White folks are getting tired of this shit, and Black people aren't getting rich off it but Seder and that art school, high voiced bigot on his they are getting ad revenue....and that's what matters.  It isn't about White privilege it's about the privilege to be openly and safely Anti-White.....and that pisses on my family, fuck you Sam Seder and that fop whose never been in a fight.  Get under the bar or get over the rail, get some fucking pecks and some callouses on your hands from real work and call Western society back from the gay bar when your done with your saketinis you fucking weak minded, unprincipled bigots, my dad was a better man than both of you put together.  You have no idea what it's like being really, obviously a minority, you fetishize those of us who are happy, healthy and successful, so fuck you, Boaz speaks twice as loudly for me than you do but thanks for trying to free me from the plantation of my choices, dicks.

Remember what the Descendents sang....."I finally saw the way it was and, it was up to me! You can only be a victim, if you , ADMIT DEFEAT!"
