Developing ideas about amygdala damage and liberals not understanding sexually predatory behaviors.

I've got to come back to this and put together a better version with more of the information and quotes I've found that caused these thoughts to steep and become such a bitter screed.

Thoughts on sexuality when talking to Mr. Greentree:

     Mr. Greentree and I were discussing some of the trends seen in youth culture of Portland 

and he focused heavily on being shocked by "16 year girls...they weren't 18" in some hard to explain lack of clothing.  These were candy kid types looking like cartoon characters....including hentai apparently.  This caused me to think about how time matures men that even begrudgingly take on responsibilities such as fatherhood, as in Mr. Greentree's case.  He feels that something isn't right with such sexual libertine behavior and at such a young age....this differs from many other Deadhead types like him and his wife.  Shoot, both he and I were cats on the hunt after sophomore year, he got more tail than I in his youth.  You just had to have sex, it was the thing to do, it was sort of key to the 'experience' of the quintessential American youth of my day in the earliest nineties.

   Liberals don't and do understand Conservatives, they just like that they can break with Principle and call it bending the Rules....Look no harm, no foul!  I felt this way about birth control, until more and more I've gotten to overhear conversations about how manic chemical birth control makes many women feel.  I would say we lose tremendous amounts of talent hours from women in the work force because the IUD is still a mysterious foreign technology like a that....biday ....shoot bide there possibly or else it's just bide like time abacus, there we go, IUDs are like an abacus, we've heard of them but use is limited by some force I don't understand. Condoms are a fuck yeah on my list, that's how it must be until a lot of history is discussed.....that's when a fellow usually puts on his cape rather than his monocle.

Sexual Market Value and Youth Sexualization

    Having sex young fucks your sexual market value, and there are exceptions but poverty and multigenerational poverty proves the rule. Liberals need to learn to love knowing that math has been proven and they should use that algorithm to save the world from multigenerational poverty.....don't touch's evil.

    The liberal usually gets the whole lightning moment, this storm bounces between their amygdala, brain stem, back up to the frontal lobe, a little travels to the guts where guilt is felt, a bit in the mouth as saliva builds and they want to bark and bawl......but the language center and mass thought take over.  At this point the average liberal says there is research that shows some gaggle of Africans frolic happy and free wanking and dancing....what glorious primordium, oh but how the Whites have fallen!  If sex were only as irresponsible and norm shattering as in the 1960s and 1970s!

Even Adam Weishaupt understood you need to control orphanages and schools to control the outcomes of a generation.

    I've been finding more and more credible information saying that orphanages, children's charities, the public school system and other contact points with kids are becoming key junctions in child slavery usually for sexual purposes by parties that are not that out of the ordinary.  Anything rare and hard to get takes money and the ability to contact the marketeers, that means public and semipublic personages. Democratic party members and high donors included and the multiple attempts to argue that pedophilia is either not a deviation of normal behavior or possibly a 'political choice' have come from self-identified Left, Democratic party or LGBTQ community representatives of some lobbying power.

   We are a nation that is sexualizing it's youth, there is a strange perverse joy in it that I have a specific confession, and therefore observation.  There is no category of straight sex on porn sites that I haven't gagging....that just isn't erotic, not the way porn typically does it. Well, that confession made, ooooh shit....many men I know, pot smoking rasta for I rasta for you, good vibrations, hedy grilled cheese and jeans....they aren't porn guys.  Lots of luddites of sorts specifically I have found because they seem to want to stay away from internet porn.  From my Catholic upbringing I get this and many women might not understand....bad ideas sully a man, they must be stripped from the mind through some methodology, that quest for the key, the word, the technique, the work that is because men want to erase the knowledge of good and evil.  Once a boy really understands viscerally the excitement of sex it becomes a desire in competition with self-improvement because for the underdeveloped mind of the young, self-improvement isn't necessary to acquire sex.

    The Great Plains were simply taken over because no one applied value by living on the land and developing it for human habitation....valueless, free for the taking.  When women's sexuality is valueless in society, the predators thrive on opportunities when it is free for the taking.  Value is shown by making sexual access rare, like diamonds....apply that to what makes women sexually attractive, a mark of youth, fertility and social prestige....FULL STOP....and society will change.  All men that are a catch that I've known, speak of "Persian women" this and "Persian women" that but none have had more than a kiss!  Eat crow hoes, like a diamond, these men remember such treasure in a cave guarded by the jinn....oh, what a pomegranate!

George Michael was right, sex is fun....and Freddy Mercury proved it will kill your dumbass if you aren't serious about how you have 'fun'! 

   Sex is risky, it should be important, young people don't understand that and that's fucking science, vows are important because honor is built by keeping them. Anonymity and multiple parties, hook ups, all that business is making the young degenerates and it is encouraged heavily by feminists and other arms of cultural marxism such as gender theorists, queer theorists and the hyphen studies professionals (nod to the Cap'n) and the ARTS.  Without something warped and bent over a school desk about it, it can't move the people....oh, except if it is classy like Sharon Jones or Adele....oh, that's called talent and skill as well huh Grimes?


    My mother was raped and she said my grandfather went out and shot the guy who did it, possibly, she also was a sociopath and lied like rug to get out of frequent situations she got herself into.  Therefore, until the game rolled up, she kept up a decent front until she couldn't anymore.  I am the middle class tarnished by storm of sorts few have seen, so I know the great immutable powers that warp lives and have understanding for those truly needing council, advocacy or justice.  The statistic about one in six is bull, it is total bull, when properly researched this number gets much smaller one in twenty or so if I have it right.  The non-profits are liars, they have to be because they make no goods and deliver few if any market demanded service so they are mostly propaganda agencies.  Sorry, your movement is a propaganda campaign so that men will become more acquiescent to violations of general civil rights.   It isn't about you, or your broken amygdalas and the fear you live in that isn't founded in reality.  Most women don't live in high crime areas, they are usually not surrounded by strange men, so we are down to women with a trusted or relatively trusted man violated.  Campuses are fighting mostly the involvement of the 'college experience' in a bottle, booze, easy solution to all of this, no booze, single sex dorms far separated and Cistercian or Templar standards of personal behavior with RAs being one's personal Saturn!  Make college a difficult place with extraordinarily high standards....oh, I'm sorry that can't ensure tenure, paying for hard science majors hobbies, "philosophers", suit fillers from business schools, the most amazing baristas money can buy art majors.....ugh!  It should forge an elite! Other forms of education should fulfill the lower tiers of intellect and motivation....that was what I did!

    Everyone has their story, that is valid, this is though, mostly about demonizing all men for a crime committed serially by an extremely small number of this part of the globe.  Elliot Rodger killed mostly males and hated everyone and had modern, middle class, first world problems and the feminists and gender bigots and cultural marxists like the Young Turks and Sam Seder have to figure out how this is all about the girls and find a white man, find a white man!
