Feminist Death Threats: The Anti-Equality Revolution - A Conversation wi...

Dealing with the multigenerational inheritance of broken Western peasants

     When I think about Rosanne Barr, I remember how much people loathed her brilliantly written and delivered show....well, the early years.  It did show the common person of the day in a way that was not romantic, it hurt to see the truth delivered so well.  Millions of women are that story and they hated it then and they hate it now.  Their Pendleton lined cages! Oh, how their loving, hard working roundish, big fathers worked an inglorious job to get them to State U! What a fucking oppressor!  First thought, if he were a tychoon in a silk suit flipping props and whipping stocks, would she still be on the stairs of Johnson Hall with a sign about how her daddy is rapey?  I have to wonder because of the various women I've encountered with extremist and bigoted views on the sexes.  People hate being obviously from average genetic stock, just normal, free range White folks! Blacks hate this even more! Oh, have you ever looked into the world of famous Blacks and genome testing.....oh, it is just sad, so little understanding of reality, the Force is weak with many people.  We are all mostly beta and delta level genetic stock and that must be understood so that women behave better.  When you risk bad genes making your okay genes worse, we all are worse off because the Welfare State will bail out your shitty little bastard no matter how they are raised.  Plus, many people think having classic 'blue blood' makes a body special, no, it's accomplishments, individual, interesting, innovative accomplishment.  You are the best Torah reader in your family in generations but your insight isn't good, the matchmaker couple your intellect with a spouse that had a firm sense of self and was a strong counsel so the heart could be looked after by mother.  This requires, tradition and wisdom, now we have science and thankfully Men's Rights is focusing on that, assembled from odd patterns no one would discuss. The Heart of the Parent is the Heart of the Child....ancient Chinese secret made famous by the love of the Japanese for Chinese poetry....Shin, the Shen, the Esprit de facade.....I forget the term in Hebrew, the spirit of the face, one sees another's spirit in the face.....ancient Chinese secret on the specifics but it is true and beautifully understood.  Feminists might have inherited crazy that hasn't been properly bred out or trained out so an to elude epigenetic pressures that set off the hatred and irrational fear of males.

Here is why female violence toward children and mates isn't discussed....a man is ashamed he can love such a sick, demented, weak primate.....he's been duped and now he must lie in the bed he made, a promise is a promise. 

 And with children that women have been beating on the backside for three to four generations of literacy, human rights and Christian Enlightenment....they can't handle the truth they must beat Principled behavior into their little bundles of joy because they haven't the capacity to instill Principle?  I have to wonder more and more if that is a question or a statement.....observation, is making me wonder at such grim words.
